[liberationtech] Cfp: Social Media Track at EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2-4 September, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy
Noella Edelmann
Noella.Edelmann at donau-uni.ac.at
Fri Nov 30 05:33:06 PST 2018
***Apologies for cross-posting!***
Social Media Track
EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2019
Conference CfP: https://easychair.org/cfp/egovcedemepart2019
Submission website:
Digital and social media are central for government, public
administration, democratic and political processes and communication.
One the one hand they are increasingly important interface between
governments, the public sector and their respective publics, and on the
other hand, they also play an important role for innovation in the
public sector, improving public service delivery and providing
opportunities for public participation.
Social media applications and digital tools have also reshaped the
nature of collaboration within public organizations, across governance
networks, impacting political communication and campaigning. Whilst
social media is extensively used in politics and by political figures,
governments still struggle to understand how best to use social media
and to develop a social media strategy, how to implement them for
operational activities and the digital transformation of the
organisation, improve services and achieve change and strategic goals.
We invite relevant studies on social media in the public sector that
draw on conceptual, case study, survey, mixed or other suitable methods.
Areas of focus and interest include but are not limited to the
following topics:
New theoretical perspectives and critical analyses of digital
Strategies and policies for the planning and implementation of social
Use and significance of social analytics in political communication and
public organizations;
Organizational issues relevant to the implementation of social media in
democratic contexts and the transformation of public administration;
Stakeholders and digital publics of government engagement on social
Enterprise/organizational networking and knowledge sharing
applications; Internal and informal digital networks in public
The role of social media in digital transformation;
The use of technology and social media for co-production,
crowdsourcing, citizen-sourcing, co-creation and other crowd-based
models (e.g. in regulation, bottom-up initiatives, open source
Mobilisation, social movements and other forms of digital engagement
enabled by social media;
Social media in crisis and emergency management;
Ethical, privacy, regulatory and policy issues related to social
Evaluation of the impact of social media in various contexts;
New methods, challenges and opportunities of social media data;
Design methods and user experience in digital collaboration;
Track Chairs:
Noella Edelmann, Danube University Krems, Austria
Sara Hofmann, University of Agder, Norway
Marius Rohde Johannessen, University of South-Eastern Norway
Programme Committee:
Rodrigo Sandoval Almazan, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico
Peter Bellström, Karlstad University, Sweden
Alessio Maria Braccini, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Italy
Eiri Elvestad, University of South-Eastern Norway
Loukis Euripides, University of the Aegean, Greece
Montathar Faraon, Kristianstad University, Sweden
Mila Gasco, CTG Albany, USA
Dimitris Gouscos, University of Athens, Greece
Evika Karamagioli, Uni Paris 8, France
Azi Lev-On Ariel University, Israel
Agnes Mainka, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany
Yuri Misnikov, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Michael Räckers, University of Münster, Germany
Rodrigo Sandoval Almazan, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico
Margit Scholl, TH Wildau, Germany
Øystein Sæbø, University of Agder, Norway
Ella Taylor-Smith, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Jolien Ubacht - TU Delft, The Netherlands
Qinfeng Zhu, City University, Hong Kong
Important Dates:
(Hard) deadline for submissions: 17 March 2019
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2019
Poster submission deadline (non-anonymous-camera ready): 15 May 2019
Poster acceptance: 1 June 2019
Camera-ready paper submission and author registration: 1 June 2019
Conference: 2-4 September 2019
PhD Colloquium: 1 September 2019
Types of Submissions & Publications:
We invite individuals from academic and applied backgrounds as well as
from business, public authorities, NGOs, NPOs and education institutions
to submit their completed and ongoing research papers, reflections,
posters as well as practitioner papers, panel or workshop proposals to
the topics addressed in the tracks. We also welcome interdisciplinary
approaches to the conference topics.
Accepted full research papers (max. 12 pages) will be published in the
Springer LNCS IFIP EGOV or IFIP EPART proceedings.
Papers in the categories of Ongoing Research (max. 8 pages),
Reflections and Viewpoints (max. 6 pages), Practitioner Papers (max. 6
pages), projects (max. 8 pages), workshops (max. 2 pages), panel
proposals (max. 2 pages), and posters (max. 2 pages) can be published
(but do not need to be) in a special conference issue of the eJournal of
eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDEM). The EGOV-CeDEM-ePart special
issue will be published to coincide with the opening of the conference.
Please note that PhD colloquium papers will not be published.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Noella Edelmann
Senior Researcher
Danube University Krems Department for E-Governance and Administration
Center for E-Government
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
A-3500 Krems
Tel. +43 (0)2732 893 2303
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