[liberationtech] [REPOST] Paid Position: Tech Savvy US Midterm Campaign Support

jeff wishnie jeff at wishnie.org
Mon May 21 22:44:30 PDT 2018

<repost as I accidentally group the first post into an unrelated thread>

Hello all,

I’ve recently joined a new org called DigiDems. We are hiring 80+ paid
tech-savvy Digital Organizers to embed in key Democratic campaigns for
Congress and Senate across the country in the upcoming mid-term elections.

Apologies if this is a bit off topic for the LibTech list, but I’m guessing
there are others who are concerned with internet freedoms and civil
liberties who see restoring some balance to the US government as
a necessary (though far from sufficient…) enabler of better (less worse…)
USG policies in this area.

Here is the job position:

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