[liberationtech] Info on a pre-conference event before rightscon?!

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Fri May 4 08:54:15 PDT 2018

The one I was invited to — I think! — was one on alternative media. I
thought it was at least partially about building new ones, such as
alternatives to Facebook/Google. I do remember that there was an onsite
portion but  other people were going to be brought in via satellite (I
thought) or (?) other means. I thought that I was being invited to the
onsite event but perhaps the invitation was for the remote connection. As
you might be able to tell my memory on the specifics is fading...

Thanks Joseph for your help on this. One of the organizers has been helping
with this but I feel bad because I know they're  swamped!

— Doug

On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 8:41 AM, Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joe at cdt.org> wrote:

> There a many of these, any other slight details that may help narrow? (I'm
> not going but I'm jealous of almost everyone else in my org seems to be)
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:31 PM, Doug Schuler <
> douglas at publicsphereproject.org> wrote:
>> While I was abroad I received some sort of invitation for a preconference
>> event on Tuesday May 15, the day before Rightscon conference in Toronto. It
>> seemed pretty relevant and I blocked out time to attend it.
>> Unfortunately I can find no trace of that message at all! Does anybody on
>> this list know about anything going on that day that might be what I'm
>> thinking about? Or whom I could talk to about this?
>> Thanks for any ideas!
>> — Doug
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> Joseph Lorenzo Hall
> Chief Technologist, Center for Democracy & Technology [https://www.cdt.org
> ]
> 1401 K ST NW STE 200, Washington DC 20005-3497
> e: joe at cdt.org, p: 202.407.8825, pgp: https://josephhall.org/gpg-key
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