[liberationtech] Seeking op-ed coauthor: "It's time to recognize internet shutdowns as a global health issue"

Zak Rogoff zakkai at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 10:17:35 PDT 2018

Hi Liberation Tech,

I'm looking for someone knowledgeable about global health, to co-author an
op-ed about the increasing threat to global health posed by internet

I represent the NGO Access Now within #KeepItOn
<https://www.accessnow.org/keepiton>, a rapidly-growing 159-member global
coalition of civil society organizations. As the incidence and harmful
impact of internet shutdowns increase year-over-year, we employ a variety
of tactics to build a global movement against these abuses.

Shutdowns are normally perceived as a free expression or economic issue,
not a health issue. However, we have received numerous first-hand accounts
of internet shutdowns threatening life and limb which I plan to quote in
the op-ed. They include:

   - People who were unable to call an ambulance after a car crash
   - Hospitals whose computer systems stopped functioning.
   - Families who were distraught when unable to send money to or check in
   on their sick relatives.

*Please reach out by email if you're interested in co-authoring!*

Thank you for your time,

Zak Rogoff
@zakkai <https://twitter.com/Zakkai>
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