[liberationtech] Repair Cafe at the Burlingame Public Library (Burlingame, California) - March 10, 2018

Phil Shapiro pshapiro at his.com
Thu Mar 1 10:27:12 PST 2018

If you know people who live in the San Francisco Bay Area, some of them might be interested in the Repair Cafe 
at the Burlingame Public library on March 10, 2018. 


Call your own public library and ask them if they hold Repair Cafe events. Libraries usually keep track of community demand -- and you yourself 
might be the right person to organize the Repair Cafe, too. 

See also https://repaircafe.org/en/ 

An easy, no-cost way to promote the reuse ethic is to follow and retweet iFixit. http://www.twitter.com/ifixit 

and the remarkable founder/leader of iFixit, Kyle Wiens. https://twitter.com/kwiens 



Phil Shapiro, pshapiro at his.com 

"Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates 
"Learning happens thru gentleness." 

"We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options." David Suzuki 

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