[liberationtech] Let's reunite the kids forcibly torn from their migrant parents

Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes alps6085 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 21:13:05 PDT 2018

Actually I’ve been thinking off and on with others, and submitted very high level proposals for funding in a few places, for a combo refugee family / volunteer information management system, mostly mobile-cloud.
Mobile: most refugee families’ only Internet is via mobile+free WiFi 
They share a lot of important info via text msg/Whatsapp 
And due to their precarious situation need a secure repository for their data (including docs from immigration, ID photos, evidence they brought in support of their asylum claim, medical/school info etc)
Matching kids to parents could be part of the  whole thing, close to the beginning of the whole lifecycle..

An intake app would help at the front end to establish baseline info for families BEFORE they enter the gauntlet. Organizations like alotrolado.org (west coast/ Tijuana) PUENTE AZ, LUPE in RGV, Florence Project AZ, CARA for Dilley, TX, RAICES for Karnes, TX, migrant shelters in MX (many run by nuns and priests), etc would capture this info which would help reconstruct the puzzles once they enter “the land of the free”..

Security is big issue, especially hosting data outside the reach of the US government...

Regards / Saludos / Grato

Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes

> On Jun 20, 2018, at 4:37 PM, jeffrey wishnie <jeff at wishnie.org> wrote:
> I also recommend reaching out to ASAP:
> https://asylumadvocacy.org/
> --
> Jeff Wishnie
>> On June 20, 2018 at 1:11:02 PM, Yosem Companys (ycompanys at gmail.com) wrote:
>> Note that I'm doing this in a personal capacity and NOT representing or speaking for Stanford in any way. 
>> This is just to kickoff a conversation...
>> Suzanne has obtained a domain name to host a database to keep track of all of the kids who have been forcibly removed from their parents. We need to track down 10K+ children at 100 shelters in 14 states: http://www.businessinsider.com/children-in-custody-trump-administration-immigration-zero-tolerance-policy-2018-5.
>> As Suzanne suggests, we need to figure out how not to enable stalkers or deporting authorities while simultaneously helping the children find their parents, and vice versa. Suzanne suggests something along the lines of anonymous lost child posting: If tip gets added, connect to legal services to screen and verify. She also suggests connecting searching parents with legal services and with people who have tips but not involving law enforcement.
>> Christina suggests finding some good coders to scrape names off news articles. There are a lot of names already there.
>> Organizations that could help:
>> Southwest key. Christina says that Southwest key has a database of all of the kids but won't provide the info. Does anyone have a good contact there?
>> IRAP. Lina suggests contacting IRAP: https://refugeerights.org/. Anybody have a contact there?
>> ACLU. Catherine suggests talking to the ACLU. I know we had several ACLU people on Liberationtech but from the tech angle. I don't know whether they're still on the list?
>> RAICES. Candace suggests we talk to RAICES. Anybody have a contact there?
>> I reckon that a massive crowdsourcing effort will be needed. Some crisis mapping might be useful.
>> A question for everyone on Liberationtech and related lists: How does this effort get off the ground quickly? 
>> Thanks,
>> Yosem
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google. Violations of list guidelines will get you moderated: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech. Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing the moderator at zakwhitt at stanford.edu.
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