[liberationtech] WPES 2018 Call for Papers

Aaron Johnson aaron.m.johnson at nrl.navy.mil
Tue Jun 12 08:03:55 PDT 2018

2018 Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2018)
October 15, 2018
Toronto, Canada
In conjunction with ACM CCS 2018

The Information Revolution has thoroughly transformed society. One of the major implications of this technological shift has been a massive increase in the collection, sharing, and analysis of personal data. The goal of this workshop is to discuss the privacy problems that result as well as their solutions. This will be the 17th occurrence of this annual forum, which is held in conjunction with the ACM CCS conference (https://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2018/).

The workshop seeks submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of electronic privacy, as well as experimental studies of fielded systems. We encourage submissions from other communities such as law and business that present these communities' perspectives on technological issues.


Paper Submission due:	July 25, 2018 (11:59 PM American Samoa Time), firm deadline
Notification to authors:	August 15, 2018
Camera ready due:	August 19, 2018

*** TOPICS ***

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- bias and fairness in machine learning
- blockchain and cryptocurrency privacy
- communication privacy
- economics of privacy
- human rights and privacy
- Internet of Things privacy
- location privacy
- machine-learning privacy
- medical privacy
- mobile-device privacy
- private data analysis
- privacy-enhancing technologies
- privacy policies
- privacy threats
- social-network privacy
- usable privacy technologies
- Web privacy


Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Regular submissions should be at most 12 pages in the ACM double-column format (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template) excluding bibliography and well-marked appendices. Committee members are not required to read the appendices, and so the paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions should be anonymized. The workshop will also consider short submissions of up to 4 pages for results that are preliminary or that simply require few pages to describe. Authors of regular submitted papers will indicate at the time of submission whether they would like their paper to also be considered for publication as a short paper (4 proceedings pages).

Submissions are to be made on EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wpes2018). You will be requested to upload the file of your paper (in PDF format only). Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. Papers must be received by the deadline of July 25, 2018 to be considered. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors by August 15, 2018. The camera ready must be prepared by August 19, 2018. Proceedings of the workshop will be published by ACM on a CD, available to the workshop attendees. Papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library, with a specific ISBN. Each accepted paper must be presented by an author, who will have to be registered by the early-bird registration deadline.


Aaron Johnson	U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, USA


Sadia Afroz	International Computer Science Institute, USA
Aylin Caliskan	Princeton University, USA
Eric Chan-Tin	Loyola University, USA
George Danezis	University College London, United Kingdom
Anupam Das	Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati	Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Simson Garfinkel	U.S. Census Bureau, USA
Cesar Ghali	Google, USA
Xi He	Duke University, USA & University of Waterloo, Canada
Ryan Henry	Indiana University, USA
Nicholas Hopper	University of Minnesota, USA
Suman Jana	Columbia University, USA
Limin Jia	Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Marc Juarez	KU Leuven, Belgium
Murat Kantarcioglu	University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Apu Kapadia	Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Aniket Kate	Purdue University, USA
Stefan Katzenbeisser	Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Florian Kerschbaum	University of Waterloo, Canada
Albert Kwon	MIT, USA
Peeter Laud	Cybernetica, Estonia
Ada Lerner	Wellesley College, USA
Yifang Li	Clemson University, USA
Changchang Liu	IBM Research & Princeton University, USA
Wouter Lueks	EPFL, Switzerland
Allison Mankin	Salesforce & IRTF, USA
Piotr Mardziel	Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Travis Mayberry	U.S. Naval Academy, USA
Jonathan Mayer	Princeton University, USA
Sebastian Meiser	University College London, United Kingdom
Ian Miers	Cornell Tech, USA
Aziz Mohaisen	University of Central Florida, USA
Pedro Moreno-Sanchez	Purdue University, USA
Shirin Nilizadeh	Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, USA
Rishab Nithyanand	Data & Society Research Institute, USA
Andriy Panchenko	Brandenburg Technical University, Germany
Indrakshi Ray	Colorado State University, USA
Joel Reardon	University of Calgary, Canada
Kui Ren	State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Alfredo Rial	University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Max Schuchard	University of Tennessee , USA
Aaron Segal	Google, USA
Mahmood Sharif	Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Paul Syverson	U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Wajih Ul Hassan	University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Eugene Vasserman	Kansas State University, USA
Tao Wang	Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Susanne Wetzel	Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Christo Wilson	Northeastern University, USA
Arkady Yerukhimovich	MIT Lincoln Laboratory & George Washington University, USA
Nan Zhang	Penn State University, USA


Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati	Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Sushil Jajodia	George Mason University, USA
Pierangela Samarati (Chair)	Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Paul Syverson	U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, USA

This call for papers and additional information about the conference
can be found at <https://wpes.tech/>. If you have any questions, please contact the program chair at <aaron.m.johnson at nrl.navy.mil>.

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