[liberationtech] E-Democracy ?!

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Wed Jul 25 14:31:45 PDT 2018

Here is a bit of a "debate" from August 2018 Communications of the ACM (CACM) pitting a technology-focused approach and a human-centered approach to information and communication tech support for democracy reform. I'd love to know what you think! Please feel free to distribute if you think it's useful. [PS. The video is intended to supplement the article. It doesn't echo the article. And the production values could be better. :-) ]
Point: Foundations of E-Democracy, Ehud Shapiro

Article: https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2018/8/229759-point/fulltext

Counterpoint: E-Democracy Won’t Save Democracy. Democracy Will Save Democracy, Douglas Schuler 
Article and video: https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2018/8/229760-counterpoint/fulltext
Video only:  https://vimeo.com/281471277. 


— Doug

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler

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