[liberationtech] Fwd: ICTD 2019 Call for Participation - Papers/Posters due July 22, 2018

Esther Jang infrared at cs.washington.edu
Mon Jul 2 18:13:48 PDT 2018

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: ICTD 2019 <ictd2019 at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2018, 9:03 AM
Subject: Fwd: ICTD 2019 Call for Participation - Papers/Posters due July
22, 2018

Reminder: ***Only three weeks*** to go for the papers/posters deadline for
ICTD 2019. Check out www.ictdx.org for details.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ICTD 2019 <ictd2019 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 4:25 AM
Subject: ICTD 2019 Call for Participation - Papers/Posters due July 22, 2018

Please forward this along to your email lists!

*ICTD 2019***Call for Participation***Deadline for Papers and Posters: July
22, 2018 Conference: Jan 4-7, 2019, Ahmedabad, IndiaThe 10th International
Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development
(ICTD 2019), being hosted at the Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad,
India) January 4-7, 2019, invites you to submit your work. To be held in
cooperation with ACM SIGCAS, ICTD 2019 will provide an international forum
for scholarly researchers to explore the role of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) in the context of social, political, and
economic development. Information and communication technologies (ICTs)
have become more pervasive in the lives of people around the world. They
are being used in various facets of daily life ranging from markets to
health care, education to governance, family life to artistic expression.
Diverse groups across the world interact with, are impacted by, and can
shape the design of these technologies. The ICTD conference provides a
forum for analyzing, critiquing, refining, and inventing new ways in which
individuals, communities, and societies interact with and make use of these
tools and platforms. There are multidisciplinary challenges associated with
the engineering, application, and adoption of ICTs in “developing” regions
and/or for development, with implications for design, policy, and
practice.For the purposes of this conference, the term “ICT” comprises
electronic technologies for information processing and communication, as
well as systems, use of big data, interventions, and platforms that are
built on such technologies. “Development” includes, but is not restricted
to, poverty alleviation, education, agriculture, healthcare, general
communication, gender equality, governance, infrastructure, environment,
and sustainable livelihoods. The conference program will reflect the
multidisciplinary nature of ICTD research and publishing traditions, with
anticipated contributions from fields including (but not limited to)
anthropology, computer science, communication, data science, design,
economics, electrical engineering, geography, human-computer interaction,
information studies, information systems, political science, public health,
and sociology.To stay up to date, please follow us on Facebook
(http://facebook.com/ictdx <http://facebook.com/ictdx>) and Twitter
(@ictdx). You can find more information on our website (http://ictdx.org
<http://ictdx.org/>).CategoriesFULL PAPERSAn ICTD Full Paper, 7-10 pages in
the ACM two-column format (excluding references, but including figures and
tables), must make a new and complete research contribution, articulate how
it is advancing the field of ICTD,  and provide complete and substantial
support for its results and conclusions. Papers will be evaluated via
double-blind peer review by a multidisciplinary panel of at least three
reviewers, one of whom will come from outside the paper’s disciplinary
domain in order to ensure broad readability. Authors of accepted papers
will be invited to give an oral presentation at the conference. Papers are
archived by default in the ACM Digital Library (unless otherwise requested
by authors). A subset of these papers will be selected for publication in
the Information Technology and International Development (ITID) journal as
well. Submit at https://ictdx.cs.washington.edu/submit/
<https://ictdx.cs.washington.edu/submit/>.FULL PAPERS WITHOUT
PUBLICATIONNew this year! We recognize that, in some disciplines, papers in
conference proceedings have less publication value. Handing over the
copyright to ACM may also be undesirable. To allow scholars in these fields
to present their research at ICTD, we welcome an additional kind of
submission under Papers--papers accepted for publication in the preceding
year and a half (from Jan. 1, 2017 through July 22, 2018). Inclusion of
these papers into the conference program will depend on relevance to the
conference program and availability of slots. Accepted papers will be
invited for an oral presentation. Authors are requested to submit their
paper as an email attachment with information about the (1) authors, (2)
publication venue, (3) publication status, and (4) (expected) date of
publication to submissions at ictdx.org <submissions at ictdx.org> by Sep. 1,
2018.POSTERSAn ICTD Poster, up to 4 pages in the ACM two-column format
(excluding references, but including figures and tables), can report on
practitioner projects, research work in progress, dissertation progress,
and other content that would enrich the conference. A complete research
contribution is not mandatory. Posters will be reviewed in the same
timeline as (but differently than) Papers. Accepted Posters will be
presented as posters at the conference and will be archived in the ACM
Digital Library (unless otherwise requested by authors). Submit at
<https://ictdx.cs.washington.edu/submit/>.OPEN SESSIONSOpen Sessions will
welcome a variety of submissions and formats. These will be submitted in
the form of extended abstracts and will include proposals for panels,
workshops, doctoral colloquium submissions, and more. While some open
sessions have been pre-decided (doctoral colloquium, young researchers,
etc.), others are up to the authors to define. They can choose to submit to
the sessions that have been determined in advance, or propose one of their
own. A Google form for participation will be posted on Jul. 16 at
https://www.ictdx.org/participate/ <https://www.ictdx.org/participate/>.
Due Sep. 1, 2018. Dates & DeadlinesJul. 22, 2018: Deadline for Papers and
PostersSep. 1, 2018: Notifications sentOct. 15, 2018: Camera-readies
dueJan. 4-7, 2019: Presentations at ICTD 2019 in AhmedabadAll submissions
are due at 11:59pm Indian Standard Time.OrganizersGENERALRajesh Chandwani
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad India)Pushpendra Singh
(Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi India)PRACTICENeil
Patel (Awaaz.De, Ahmedabad India)PROGRAMNeha Kumar (Georgia Tech, Atlanta
USA)Rajesh Veeraraghavan (Georgetown University, Washington DC
USA)POSTERSDavid Nemer (University of Kentucky, Lexington USA)Syed
Ishtiaque Ahmed (University of Toronto, Toronto Canada)OPEN SESSIONSAditya
Vashistha (University of Washington, Seattle USA)Michaelanne Dye (Georgia
Tech, Atlanta USA)DEMOSKurtis Heimerl (University of Washington, Seattle
USA)DOCTORAL CONSORTIUMNimmi Rangaswamy (Indian Institute of Information
Technology, Hyderabad)Vigneswara Ilavarasan (Indian Institute of
Technology, Delhi)TRAVELShriram Venkatraman (Indraprastha Institute of
Information Technology, Delhi)Anupriya Tuli (Indraprastha Institute of
Information Technology, Delhi)Deepika Yadav (Indraprastha Institute of
Information Technology, Delhi)WEB & SOCIAL MEDIANaveena Karusala
(University of Washington, Seattle USA)Esther Jang (University of
Washington, Seattle USA)DESIGNShruti Dalvi (Georgia Tech, Atlanta
USA)ACCESSIBILITYVaishnav Kameswaran (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
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