[liberationtech] Call for Papers: The Impacts of Civic Technology Conference (TICTeC 2018)

Gemma Moulder gemma at mysociety.org
Tue Jan 23 09:20:11 PST 2018

Hi again everyone,

Just a reminder that there are only 10 days left to submit a paper for The
Impacts of Civic Technology Conference (TICTeC) 2018

For your information, you can see previous attendees here
<http://tictec.mysociety.org/sponsorship#attendees>, and previous
conference agendas for 2017 <http://tictec.mysociety.org/2017/schedule>,
2016 <https://www.mysociety.org/files/2015/09/Agenda-2016.pdf> and 2015

We hope to welcome some of you in Lisbon!

All the best,

On 18 December 2017 at 14:27, Gemma Moulder <gemma at mysociety.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> mySociety will be hosting the 4th edition of The Impacts of Civic
> Technology Conference (TICTeC) <http://tictec.mysociety.org/2018> in
> Lisbon on 18th and 19th April 2018.
> TICTeC <http://tictec.mysociety.org/> is the world’s only conference
> dedicated to exploring the impact that civic technologies and digital
> democracy are having upon citizens and governments around the globe.
> The primary goal of the conference is to promote and share rigorous and
> meaningful research into online technologies and digital democracy around
> the world. It’s a safe place to examine what works, what doesn’t, and how
> best to measure that.
> *Call for Papers now open*
> If you are carrying out, or have completed, research on this theme, and
> would like to present your work, then please do submit an abstract /
> proposal <http://tictec.mysociety.org/2018#call-for-papers>.
> We also welcome proposals for individuals to lead workshops or give
> presentations relating to the conference theme.
> We invite individuals to submit abstracts or workshop / presentation
> proposals of no more than 300 words by* 2nd February 2018*.
> *Register*
> For the last two years TICTeC has sold out – so make sure you get tickets
> early <http://tictec.mysociety.org/2018#register>. Early bird tickets
> provide a 50% discount, so it’s well worth registering
> <http://tictec.mysociety.org/2018#register> before they run out!
> *Sponsor*
> If you’d like to support TICTeC to bring together the world’s best Civic
> Technology researchers and practitioners, there are many different sponsorship
> opportunities available <http://tictec.mysociety.org/sponsorship>. Please
> visit our sponsorship page <http://tictec.mysociety.org/sponsorship> for more
> details, or contact me for more information.
> We hope to see you in Lisbon for another fantastic TICTeC event.
> All the best,
> Gemma.
> --
> Gemma Moulder (née Humphrys)
> *Events Manager /** Alaveteli Partnerships Manager *
> mySociety | mysociety.org <http://www.mysociety.org/>


Gemma Moulder (née Humphrys)

*Events Manager /** Alaveteli Partnerships Manager *

mySociety | mysociety.org <http://www.mysociety.org/>
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