[liberationtech] Build Your Own Internet workshop: Sat 27 Jan 2018 @ Omni Commons

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 22:25:54 PST 2018

From: People's Open Network <newsletter at peoplesopen.net>

Welcome to 2018 from the People's Open Network!

...more fiercely dedicated than ever to building people-powered

With the repeal of net neutrality, the corporate monopolization of the
Internet has become a reality. Fortunately, the People's Open Network
has made a New Year's resolution to change the way communities
connect. Let's start by building our own internet!

BYOI v4: Learn how to Build Your Own Internet

What if the internet wasn't about connecting to Comcast, AT&T, Google,
or Facebook? What if it meant connecting directly with your friends,
neighbors, and community...?

Today, the internet is controlled by a handful of corporate internet
service providers (ISPs). Companies like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon
actively lobbied, and succeeded, in unraveling net neutrality
protections in this country — rules that were critical for protecting
the free and open internet. These are the same companies that are
failing to provide affordable internet access to low-income
communities across the Bay Area, preventing already disenfranchised
peoples from participating in the lucrative tech economy.

Meanwhile, digital platform monopolies such as Google and Facebook,
while supporters of net neutrality, have a business model based upon
surveiling and collecting massive amounts of personal data on all of
their users. These companies are far from transparent about what they
are collecting and how they are using the information.

We need to build more resilient alternatives. We need to build an
internet made up of local networks that are fundamentally open,
democratic, and decentralized — networks that center around the needs
and rights of the communities that rely on them.

The People’s Open Network is one such network, providing a liberating,
people-powered alternative to the top-down, corporate status quo. It
is a mesh network, meaning that the more who join the network, the
more resilient it becomes. Even if one node drops out, the network
will route around the damage — maintaining connections and enabling
communication even if the Big Internet goes down due to an earthquake
or censorship. We are not alone. Around the world, there are mesh
networks that are thriving — from Catalonia to Detroit, Argentina to
South Africa.

Our closely affiliated partner, Sudo Mesh, has developed free and open
source firmware that enables people to mesh their connections through
their wifi routers and share their internet bandwidth with others. The
hardware to enable this, home routers and rood-mounted antennae, has
become more affordable than ever, costing between $20-$80 per device.

We have the technology. Now it's up to us to connect with other
members of the East Bay community to build this network. We need to
talk to our neighbors, as well as local organizations and businesses,
about the potential of community networks, like People's Open, and
convince them to become a node on the network by setting up a router
in their home or place of work.

Join us at the Build Your Own Internet Workshop and learn how you can
be part of the effort to grow the People's Open Network.

Build Your Own Internet (BYOI) Workshop

2:00pm - Introduction
2:15pm - Panel discussion: Net neutrality is dead — or is it?
Featuring tech policy experts, community organizers, and digital
3:00pm - Hands-on workstations: Including demonstration on how to
crimp ethernet cable, set up home routers, mount antennae, secure your
devices, and much more!
5:00pm - End / clean up

Saturday January 27, 2018 2-5 PM
Omni Commons, 4799 Shattuck Ave, Oakland, CA

RSVP or help us make this happen by donating at
https://peoplesopen.net/byoi ...or just feel free to show up!

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