[liberationtech] [STS Italia VII Conference] CfA: Building knowledge based on digital data: participation spaces, methodological problems and ethical implications

Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri ga.veltri at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 06:06:31 PST 2018

Dear All,
 If you are around in Europe..
I would like to bring to you attention the call for abstracts "Building
knowledge based on digital data:participation spaces,methodological
problems and ethical implications"
Here you can find the details about the call for abstracts:

This track aims to gather contributions exploring knowledge building from
the increasing availability of digital data, focusing on research
opportunities and methodological challenges for social sciences, with
particular reference to the following aspects: participation spaces and the
involvement of non-expert actors, the issue of ownership and data control
by those who generate them, the ethical implications of research activities
using digital data produced by others, epistemological and methodological
aspects of data collected by third parties for multidimensional and complex
research purposes, the role of theories and forms of generative social

*Abstracts (written in English, or in Italian in case of tracks in double
language) should be submitted by** the 10th of **February*  to the
conference email address (7thstsitaliaconf at gmail.com) and to the emails of
convenors' selected track.

The track will be part of STS Italia VII conference “Technoscience from
Below <https://www.frombelow-stsitaliaconf.org/>” hosted by University of
Padova (Italy) in late spring, 14-16 June 2018
<http://airmail.calendar/2018-06-14%2012:00:00%20CEST>. The focal theme of
the 7th STS Italia Conference will be  alternative co-productive paths of
science, technology, and innovation.
Confirmed keynote speakers include Ulrike Felt  (University of Vienna),
Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter), Trevor Pinch (Cornell University)
and Johan Söderberg (University of Goteborg).

Thank you!
Dr Giuseppe A. Veltri
Work email giuseppe.veltri at unitn.it
Twitter @gaveltri
| ResearchGate
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