[liberationtech] Deadline Extension: CfP "Overcoming Inequalities in Internet Governance: framing digital policy capacity building strategies" GigArts2018 / CIGP 26-27 April 2018, Deadline Extended 15th January
Andrea Calderaro
CalderaroA at cardiff.ac.uk
Mon Jan 8 06:14:41 PST 2018
Dear all,
Given the multiple requests received, we are happy to extend the deadline for submission of abstract proposals to the 15th January.
Please find below detailed information about the conference. Interested authors are invited to submit their abstracts (no longer than 500 words) via Easychair at:
GIG-ARTS 2018 - The Second European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies
26-27 April 2018, Cardiff
Overcoming Inequalities in Internet Governance: framing digital policy capacity building strategies
Organised by: Centre for Internet and Global Politics / School of Law and Politics / Cardiff University
In partnership with: DiploFoundation, The ECPR Standing Group on Internet and Politics, The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet), IAMCR Communication Policy and Technology Section, ICA Division Communication Law & Policy
New Deadline 15.January.2018
After having explored “Global Internet Governance as a Diplomacy Issue” at its first edition held in Paris in 2007, the Second European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-ARTS 2018) addresses power inequalities in internet governance, and digital policy capacity building strategies aiming at overcoming gaps in digital policy developments.
Connectivity infrastructure is constantly expanding, while internet access is incessantly growing across countries, regions and socio-political contexts. In this context, new and crucial questions emerge from a governance and security perspective. As for the latter, new connectivity calls for cybersecurity capacity building strategies aiming at secure digital infrastructure. At the same time, from a governance perspective, traditional powers in the governance of the internet are increasingly challenged from newly connected actors who demand more influence in the transnational debate around digital policy development. As a result, despite claims for equal representations and diversity since the first World Summit on Information Society in 2003, the narrowing of the digital divide opens new and key questions: Whether and what inequalities exist in internet governance decision making? How is the rapidly changing internet geography and sociography reflected in the governance of the internet? Moreover, in order to increase awareness and enhance involvement of newly connected countries in national and transnational digital policy developments, what are the best internet governance capacity building strategies available? How do newly connected countries and actors build their digital policy capacity, and do they develop an active role in the transnational internet governance debate? Whether in newly or early connected countries, various kinds of divides persist across socio-cultural and political contexts, reflecting if not extending societal and socio-economic inequalities. Are such renewed forms of inequalities and discriminations adequately addressed in internet governance debates? What are the requirements for digital policies to actually empower people and uphold their individual and collective rights online?
In order to answer these crucial and manifold questions, the conference will bring together an outstanding network of experts working on internet governance, digital inequalities, and cybersecurity capacity building. The conference welcomes theoretically relevant, empirically grounded research, and/or policy oriented contributions, addressing internet governance inequalities, digital policy making, and cybersecurity capacity building. In particular, submissions could address either of the following topics (list non exhaustive):
* Inequalities in the governance of the internet
* Governance strategies among new and emerging actors
* Geopolitical coalitions among actors (e.g. BRICS)
* Multistakeholder models and their efficacy
* Cybersecurity capacity building
* Digital divides
* Telecom Reforms
* Online discriminations
* Violent content and harassment online
* “Fake news” and other kinds of manipulations
* Individual and collective empowerment
* Human rights online
* Digital Trade
Program Chair
Andrea Calderaro
Centre for Internet and Global Politics, University of Cardiff, United Kingdom
Program Committee
William J. Drake, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Marianne Franklin, Goldsmiths University
Katharina Höne, DiploFoundation, Malta & Switzerland
Nanette S. Levinson, American University Washington DC, USA
Robin Mansell, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & Sorbonne Université, France
Ben Wagner, UW Vienna, Austria
Full Call for Paper
Please find more information via the conference website: events.gig-arts.eu<http://events.gig-arts.eu/>
Submission Information and Publication Opportunities
Authors are invited to submit their abstracts (no longer than 500 words) via Easychair at:
Authors of selected submissions will have the opportunity to submit their full manuscript for publication as part of an edited volume.
The conference will be held in Wales's capital city, Cardiff, at the Centre for Internet and Global Politics, hosted at the Cardiff University's School of Law and Politics.
Conference Registration and Fees
Registration fees are 100€ for regular participants and 50€ for students showing proof of status. The conference fees include a participant kit with conference documents as well as coffee breaks and meals.
GIG-ARTS 2018 Communication Details
- Website: events.gig-arts.eu<http://events.gig-arts.eu/> | www.cigp.eu<http://www.cigp.eu/>
- Email for information: events at gig-arts.eu<mailto:events at gig-arts.eu> | Andrea Calderaro (CalderaroA at Cardiff.ac.uk<mailto:CalderaroA at Cardiff.ac.uk>)
- Submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gigarts2018
- Twitter: @GigArtsEU
- Mailing list for updates: http://tinyurl.com/yc7rvxm4
Andrea Calderaro, PhD
Director Centre for Internet and Global Politics (CIGP)
Director of PGR Politics & IR
Lecturer in International Relations
Department of Politics and International Relations | Cardiff University
Personal page: www.andreacalderaro.net<http://www.andreacalderaro.net/>
Twitter: @andreacalderaro
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