[liberationtech] Fwd: Hire an MPA/ID graduate intern this summer? reply by Jan 9 if possible

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 11:49:14 PST 2018

From: Finney, Carol J. <Carol_Finney at hks.harvard.edu>

As you consider your professional goals for 2018, perhaps a Harvard Kennedy
School of Government *MPA/ID*
<http://www.hks.harvard.edu/degrees/masters/mpa-id> graduate intern can
help you achieve them.

As you might know, MPA/ID students are hard-working and well-trained, with
strong skills in economics, econometrics and data analysis as well as
policy writing.  They have several years of previous full-time work
experience, typically in international organizations, consulting,
government, non-profit, or private financial sectors.  Most of our students
are international, and many speak several languages.

MPA/ID students will be available during our summer break, between May 14
and August 17, 2018.

If you would like to hire an MPA/ID student, please send me your project
description by Tuesday, *January 9*, if possible.

I look forward to receiving your reply with a* description of the work* an
intern might perform. The job description should include information on the

·         your organization

·         the project or type of work

·         qualifications (languages needed, for example)

·         logistics (office location, start/end dates, etc)

·         compensation or in-kind assistance, if any

When I receive your description, I will forward it directly to the
available students (unless you instruct me otherwise), so that they may
apply directly.

*Demand for our students does exceed supply. *Students are most likely to
be interested in well-thought-out proposals with enough organizational
support to make them feasible. Paid positions are attractive, of course,
but in kind assistance (housing, airfare or meals for example) is also
helpful. Proposals received by mid-January are more likely to be filled
than those received later.

Whether you plan to have a summer intern or not, your continued guidance to
current students is much appreciated. A number of students travel over the
break, seeking information about internships or job possibilities. If you
can spare a few minutes to advise any who request your help, that would be

If you’d like to update me on your job title or location, or opt in or out
of the JOBs emails, please go to *this **brief survey*
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MPAID2015>* .*

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing
from you soon.

Best Wishes,

Carol J. Finney

Director, MPA/ID Program

John F. Kennedy School of Government

Harvard University

Cambridge, MA


carol_finney at harvard.edu

 [image: cid:image002.png at 01D0F528.480812D0]

*Master in Public Administration in International Development*

*Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University*

The MPA/ID <http://www.hks.harvard.edu/degrees/masters/mpa-id> is a*
rigorous, economics centered, multidisciplinary master's program* designed
to train the next generation of practitioners in international development.
(For more info, please see our website

Our students are hard-working and well-trained, with strong skills in
economics, econometrics and data analysis.  They have several years of
previous full-time work experience; the average age is 28.  Many speak
several languages.  About three quarters are citizens of developing or
transitional economy countries.

*Summer Internship*

Between their 1st and 2nd years, MPA/ID students undertake a summer
practicum, working on a political or economic development project, in order
to broaden their professional perspective.  Students are expected to work
for 8-12 weeks between *May 14 and August 17*, 2018.

Experience has shown that *the internship will be most beneficial to you*
and to the student if you can frame a relatively self-contained piece of
work which will be useful to your organization.

Thus we encourage you to choose a particular project for the student to
address. *The more guidance you can provide, the more likely the product
will be valuable to you. * If your project requires specific skills
(language fluency or STATA skills, for example) please specify.

Examples of tasks a student might complete include:

·              design or carry out a survey

·              analyze data previously collected

·              write a grant proposal

·              analyze an issue and propose policy alternatives

·              evaluate an on-going program


Our students are in demand.  If your organization is able to provide a
stipend, or assistance with airfare or housing, it will make your project
more attractive.

For work at organizations unable to pay an intern, students may apply for a
small grant to cover travel and living costs through the Kennedy School.
Students will have the best chance of obtaining funding to support their
summer internships if they have *finalized their internship arrangements by
late February*.  To apply for funding, they must have a letter or email
from the organization confirming the internship offer, a one page
description of what they will be doing, and a budget.
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