[liberationtech] Open Access The Hackable City (and buried below: A Hacking Atlas)
Doug Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Thu Dec 13 15:30:10 PST 2018
[Sorry if you've seen this.]
I thought I'd mention that The Hackable City is now available online for
free (also in a book — not free). My chapter called "A Hacking Atlas:
Holistic Hacking in the Urban Theater" is the next to the last one listed
so I thought I could mention it here. I talk about 7 "spaces" in which
"hacking" can be done. At any rate, I'm hoping that they can be useful: 1
Information and Communication Space; 2 Governance Space; 3 Social,
Organizational, and Institutional Space; 4 Infrastructure Space; 5 Physical
Space; 6 External Space; and 7 Imaginary Space.
— Doug
The Hackable City <https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-13-2694-3>
: Digital Media and Collaborative City-Making in the Network Society
edited by Michiel de Lange and Martijn de Waal
Introduction—The Hacker, the City and Their Institutions: From Grassroots
Urbanism to Systemic Change
Martijn de Waal, Michiel de Lange
Power to the People: Hacking the City with Plug-In Interfaces for Community
Engagement <https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-2694-3_2>
Luke Hespanhol, Martin Tomitsch
Rapid Street Game Design: Prototyping Laboratory for Urban Change
Viktor Bedö
The City as Perpetual Beta: Fostering Systemic Urban Acupuncture
Joel Fredericks, Glenda Amayo Caldwell, Marcus Foth, Martin Tomitsch
Transforming Cities by Designing with Communities
Rosie Webb, Gabriela Avram, Javier Burón García, Aisling Joyce
Economic Resilience Through Community-Driven (Real Estate) Development in
Matthijs Bouw, Despo Thoma
This Is Our City! Urban Communities Re-appropriating Their City
Gabriela Avram
Removing Barriers for Citizen Participation to Urban Innovation
Annika Wolff, Daniel Gooch, Jose Cavero, Umar Rashid, Gerd Kortuem
Working in Beta: Testing Urban Experiments and Innovation Policy Within
Dublin City Council
Fiona McDermott
Reinventing the Rules: Emergent Gameplay for Civic Learning
Cristina Ampatzidou
Data Flow in the Smart City: Open Data Versus the Commons
Beckwith, John Sherry, David Prendergast
Hacking, Making, and Prototyping for Social Change
Ingrid Mulder, Péter Kun
Unpacking the Smart City Through the Lens of the Right to the City: A
Taxonomy as a Way Forward in Participatory City-Making
Irina Anastasiu
A Hacking Atlas: Holistic Hacking in the Urban Theater
Douglas Schuler
Of Hackers and Cities: How Selfbuilders in the Buiksloterham Are Making
Their City <https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-2694-3_15>
Michiel de Lange
Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler
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