[liberationtech] [Inclusion] What educational uses for an old iPhone 4?

Jayne Cravens jayne at coyotebroad.com
Mon Dec 3 20:24:08 PST 2018

On 2018-11-07 09:54, Phil Shapiro wrote:

> Hive mind -- what kinds of educational uses can an old iPhone 4 be put
> to use for? Are there fun logic puzzles that run on that phone? Could
> I load it up with free ebooks or audibooks? Someone is giving me an
> iPhone 4 and I'd like to find good uses for it to support the students
> who visit the public library where I work.

I have something even older - an Ipod Touch 4th Generation. I use it to 
listen to podcasts and, of course, music. I can still record videos with 
it - the quality isn't as good as anything now, but it's still fun. I 
would think all of that would be things students could use in some way 
for educational purposes.

Ms. Jayne Cravens MSc
Portland, Oregon, USA

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