[liberationtech] Fwd: [info] Back to School with Blockchain: Enroll Today in Our Most Popular Course!

Nick Martin nick at techchange.org
Wed Aug 15 12:00:12 PDT 2018

LiberationTech folks,

We're running another round of our most popular course: Blockchain for
international development. It starts September 10th. Hope some of you
decide to join. We'll be looking at lots of case studies around
transparency, security, privacy, etc.

So if you're looking to finally figure out what blockchain and distributed
ledger technologies are all about, this could be a great entry point.

More details below. Use blockchain395 to activate course discount. Hope
some of you decide to join!



Nick Martin

Founder & CEO, TechChange

M 240 505 2324 | www.techchange.org | @ncmart

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Check out our new learning platform here

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TechChange <courses at techchange.org>
Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:05 PM
Subject: [info] Back to School with Blockchain: Enroll Today in Our Most
Popular Course!
To: info at techchange.org

Our four-week, facilitated online course on Blockchain for International
Development begins on Monday, September 10.

*Watch TechChange CEO Nick Martin explain blockchain in 90 seconds ⏱️*
Check out this short video from Axios & JP Morgan featuring TechChange
Founder & CEO Nick Martin explaining the potential of using blockchain in
humanitarian efforts.
Our most popular course, Blockchain for International Development
starts in just over one month!

Learn how to:

   - *Build* a data model for a smart contract
   - *Set up* a cryptocurrency wallet and transact tokens
   - *Creatively explain* this disruptive technology to your colleagues and
   - *Form partnerships* between private sector organizations and NGOs to
   deploy distributed ledger technology

We'll consider promising blockchain case studies from across the social
We'll also hear from leading experts in the field from organizations like
USAID, GIZ, World Bank, ConsenSys, Stanford University, Mercy Corps, and

Lastly... we'll be issuing our course certificates on the blockchain!
Learning Machine Technologies, the architect of the Blockcerts open
standard with
the MIT Media Lab, is the world leader in blockchain-based digital
credentials. Learn more about our partnership here

Sign up today for this four-week, facilitated online course here
Use our early bird discount code "*blockchain395*" at the checkout to
receive $100 off. Course starts on Monday, September 10!

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