[liberationtech] Help Puerto Rico use tech for social good

Kate Krauss katie at critpath.org
Sun Apr 8 22:22:52 PDT 2018

PS: I overedited Step 1:

Step 1 would be to look around on Twitter and Facebook to see who is
working on solar power, individuals and companies *i**n Puerto Rico*, and
contact them to listen to their needs.

On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 1:02 AM, Kate Krauss <katie at critpath.org> wrote:

> Hi Yosem,
> Good questions--
> Generally speaking, the way to help people in distress is to ask them what
> they need (rather than guessing or assuming, which often results in a tool
> without a user base and a lot of people who desperately needed something
> else).
> Asking people what they need can be accomplished by reaching out to people
> and groups in Puerto Rico by phone or even on Twitter. Here is a link to
> the list of mayors in Puerto Rico with their phone numbers.
> https://www.hud.gov/states/shared/working/r4/fbci/localcontactspr-vi
> Once we know what they need most, we can figure out how to help with
> technology.
> I know there is an effort to install solar panels while they also fix the
> antiquated and expensive electrical grid they have.
> Here is an app I found that helps individuals calculate how to plan solar
> panels for their house. It's in arabic but could be translated into
> Spanish. https://www.fastcompany.com/40417060/how-a-man-with-no-coding-
> experience-built-an-app-thats-bringing-solar-power-to-yemen
> Step 0 here would be to make sure there is no other useful Spanish app
> that does the same thing (I don't speak Spanish so am not right for that
> task).
> Step 1 would be to look around on Twitter and Facebook to see who is
> working on solar power, individuals and companies, and contact them to
> listen to their needs.
> Step 2 (if it still makes sense to do so) Make the Spanish app!
> Thanks for getting the ball rolling, Yosem.
> Cheers,
> Kate
> ------------
> @aidspol
> about.me/katekrauss
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