[liberationtech] Job opportunity - Head of Digital at ARTICLE19 - Deadline September 26

Niels ten Oever lists at digitaldissidents.org
Wed Sep 13 07:41:22 PDT 2017

Dear all,

I am very happy happy to announce that you have the chance to apply for 
the best job in the world, namely mine. Do you want to become Head of 
Digital at ARTICLE19, an international freedom of expression 
organization? You get the work with extremely talented colleagues from 
all over the world and oversee ARTICLE19s work on the mainstreaming of 
human rights in Internet Infrastructure. This means engagement with the 
IETF, ICANN, IEEE, ITU on topics ranging from encryption, privacy, 
access, algorithms to human rights impact assessments.

Can you:
  - support a global team of talented professionals?
  - manage a several project on the cutting edge of tech development?
  - be a bridge between law and tech?
  - build collaborations with businesses, governments and civil society 
  - develop new plans and ideas to make the Internet a more rights 
enabling space?

Then please apply here:


Application deadline: September 26

All the best,


PS I will continue to collaborate with ARTICLE19 and work in the realm 
of human rights and Internet infrastructure, but will also spend a bit 
more time working on my PhD (which luckily is on the same topic).

Niels ten Oever
Head of Digital

Article 19

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