[liberationtech] Apple and censorship in China

Charlie Smith charlie.smith at greatfire.org
Thu Sep 7 23:42:34 PDT 2017


This year we’ve seen China escalate its longstanding assault on Internet
freedom, implementing new regulations and requiring Apple to remove VPN
applications, news applications, and other content from their app store.

There is no excuse for any action a company takes to embolden China's
authoritarian efforts.

We've teamed up with Golden Frog (the company behind VyprVPN) in writing a
letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook.


In this letter we ask for more transparency in his company’s dealings with
China, to better help Internet users understand regulations and demands,
and how Apple's compliance decisions impact their Internet experience.

All individuals around the world should be afforded the right to a free and
open Internet, and should be able to fight for that right if and when it's
threatened. But we cannot fight what we cannot see.

Best, Charlie

*https://en.greatfire.org/ <https://en.greatfire.org/>*

@GreatFireChina <http://www.twitter.com/greatfirechina>
@FreeWeibo <https://twitter.com/FreeWeibo>

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