[liberationtech] Central PA Open Source Conference - Nov 4, 2017

Phil Shapiro pshapiro at his.com
Wed Oct 4 13:56:06 PDT 2017

Fellow refurbishers and digital inclusion activists, 

For those who might be interested, I'll be presenting a workshop at the Central PA Open Source 
Conference in Lancaster, PA, on Nov 4, 2017. http://cposc.org/ https://twitter.com/CPOSC 

I'll be talking about how I buy very affordable laptops on eBay -- install Linux on them -- and resell 
them at the same price to community members in the town where I live and work -- Takoma Park, Maryland. 

It's my little way of bridging the digital divide. I also provide free tech support for these laptops - via my public library job. 

The title of my talk is - 

"Linux Laptops via the Public Library" 

I'll be sharing tips on how I locate deals, such as this $20 Dell laptop I bought. 


And these other laptops I bought - 




And this all-in-one desktop I bought for $20. 


Kindly pass along word about this workshop to anyone you know who might be interested 
in attending. Naturally, folks from Philly, Baltimore, DC, Delaware, NJ, and NYC would find a drive to Lancaster, PA, quite do-able. (Lancaster is centrally located -- it's a former capital of the United States.) 

I'm especially hoping to get some public (or school/college) librarians to attend -- 
as well as classroom teachers, community builders, education equity activists, open source enthusiasts, etc. 


Oh, and I'll be giving away a Corei3 laptop to one of the people who attends my presentation. 

I paid a fortune for it. (About $40.) Admittedly, the sound doesn't work on this laptop, but in 
other respects it runs fine. 


Phil Shapiro, pshapiro at his.com 

"Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates 
"Learning happens thru gentleness." 

"We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options." David Suzuki 

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