[liberationtech] Call for participation: Research on drone policy for development and humanitarianism

Christopher Tuckwood chris at thesentinelproject.org
Fri Nov 24 06:26:45 PST 2017

Hi everyone,

The Sentinel Project recently launched a project researching the
development and humanitarian applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs
or drones). Our goal is to understand the many different ways that this
technology is being used for social good (defined broadly to include
development, humanitarian aid, human rights, peacebuilding, and other such
work), especially in the Global South, as well as how government policies
either help or hinder that work. We are currently looking for a wide
variety of participants (individuals, NGOs, companies, government agencies)
to do one or both of the following:

(1) Take a brief survey about your experience with this topic by following
this link:

(2) Participate in a more in-depth interview about your experiences

More details on this project can be found here:

If you are interested in scheduling an interview, please email me directly
with some details about your work involving UAVs. We also really appreciate
anyone who forwards this message on to others who may be interested.

Thanks for any help.

     - Chris

chris at thesentinelproject.org | +1 (647) 222-8821 <(647)%20222-8821>

The Sentinel Project
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