[liberationtech] Call for Proposals: Good Data book chapters

Angela Daly angelacdaly at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 16:32:21 PST 2017

Good Data

Call for Proposals for an INC Theory on Demand edited book

*Editors: Angela Daly (Queensland University of Technology), Kate Devitt
(Queensland University of Technology) & Monique Mann (Queensland University
of Technology).*

In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the collection,
aggregation and automated analysis of information by government and private
actors, and in response to this there has been a significant critique
regarding what could be termed ‘bad’ data practices in the globalised
digital economy. These include the mass gathering of data about
individuals, in opaque, unethical and at times illegal ways, and the
increased use of that data in unaccountable and potentially discriminatory
forms of algorithmic decision-making by both state agencies and private
companies. Issues of data ethics and data justice are only likely to
increase in importance given the totalizing datafication of society and the
introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and

In order to paint an alternative, more optimistic but still pragmatic
picture of the datafied future, this open access edited collection will
examine and propose what could be termed ‘good’ and ‘ethical’ data
practices, underpinned by values and principles such as (but not limited

·         privacy/regulation/information security by design

·         due process rights

·         procedural legitimacy

·         the protection of individual and collective autonomy

·         digital sovereignty

·         digital anti-discrimination

·         data and intersectionality

·         ethical labour practices

·         environmental sustainability.

Chapters should be short contributions (2500-5000 words) which can take
differing forms, for example:

·         Manifestos for Good Data

·         Position papers

·         Traditional academic chapters

Chapters can be theoretical takes or provocations on what Good Data is or
should be, or can be case studies of particular Good Data projects and
initiatives e.g. Indigenous data sovereignty initiatives, data cooperatives
etc. Chapters can also be critiques of initiatives/movements which claim to
be ethical but in fact fall short. All chapters, including academic ones,
should be written in an accessible way and avoid the excessive use of
jargon, etc. Academic chapters will be peer-reviewed. Other contributions
will be editor-reviewed.

We encourage contributions from throughout the world and from different
disciplinary perspectives: philosophy, media and communications, cultural
studies, STS, law, criminology, information systems, computer science etc.

Proposals for chapters (up to 250 words) should be sent to Kayleigh
Hodgkinson Murphy (kayleigh.murphy at qut.edu.au) by Friday 15 December 2017.
Please include a brief biography (indicating whether you are an academic or
practitioner, etc) and signal what kind of chapter you are proposing
(manifesto/academic chapter, etc).

If you have an idea for a chapter and want to discuss it before submitting
a proposal, please contact Angela Daly (angela.daly at qut.edu.au) as soon as
possible. We may be able to pair, for example, practitioners with academic
authors on request.

Decisions on proposals will be made by mid-January 2017, with a first full
draft of chapters to be submitted by 31 March 2018. We anticipate the book
will be finalized and launched in late 2018, as part of the  Institute of
Network Cultures’ Theory on Demand series
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