[liberationtech] Jobs: PhD and Postdoc positions in Data Justice at TILT

Newell, Bryce brycenewell at uky.edu
Tue Nov 14 12:01:24 PST 2017


Linnet Taylor, my friend and former colleague at the Tilburg Institute for
Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) at Tilburg University (Netherlands) is
hiring a Postdoc (http://bit.ly/2AETypz) and a PhD student/researcher (
http://bit.ly/2iUcYyG) for her five-year ERC project on Data Justice.
More on the project is available here
 and here

She is particularly interested in finding great candidates from developing
countries and/or those involved with relevant activist networks, but
everyone with an interest and suitable background is welcome to apply. The
deadline for applications is 30 December 2017. Please contact Linnet
directly with questions (her email is listed in both jobs ads linked to


*Bryce Clayton Newell, JD, PhD*
Assistant Professor, School of Information Science <http://ci.uky.edu/sis/>
College of Communication and Information
University of Kentucky
@newmedialaw <http://twitter.com/newmedialaw> | www.bcnewell.com
Google Scholar
<https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=7kICf7kAAAAJ> |
ResearchGate <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bryce_Newell> | SSRN
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