[liberationtech] Quantitative study on Online VAW in Pakistan

Bryan Sande bryan at reapergrafx.com
Tue May 30 15:32:54 PDT 2017

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From: liberationtech [mailto:liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu] On Behalf Of Nighat Dad
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 1:39 PM
To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Subject: [liberationtech] Quantitative study on Online VAW in Pakistan


Hello all,


Digital Rights Foundation organised the conference "Hamara Internet: Challenging the Evolving Threat of Online Violence" to mark the launch of the research study "Measuring Pakistani Women's Experiences of Online Violence" [Report: PDF <http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Hamara-Internet-Online-Harassment-Report.pdf> ]. The study fills the gap in existing data on online violence against women in Pakistan.


The study compiles the data collected from 1400 women from across the country to map the different experiences of online violence against women, along with looking at how women use digital tools on the whole.


The stats collected by these surveys - in addition to the calls that we receive on our Cyber Harassment Helpline [Helpline <http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/4-Month-Report.Final_.pdf>  4-month Report - PDF] - depict that Facebook is the worst medium in terms of online harassment.


According to the data collected, 67% of the women use Facebook regularly, and 79% prefer WhatsApp as their means of communications. The data highlights that 50% of the respondents rate social media worse in online harassment, and 40% claimed that they have been stalked and harassed via messaging apps. Whereas, 70% of those surveyed are scared of posting pictures online because they could be misused.


The data analysis explores the experiences of women online, and aims to initiate politicized and informed discussion about gender empowerment within the virtual space. This report will also be used as an advocacy tool for gendered digital rights.


As I share this report with you, I want to mention that we're always learning and evolving in what we do at DRF. Hence, any suggestions and feedback will be appreciated.


Media Coverage 







Nighat Dad

Executive Director

Digital Rights Foundation

PGP: 386F2A5F

Fingerprint: 73C2 8F10 60D4 6553 0BFA D174 8AA1 226F 386F 2A5F

Office Number: +92-42-35852180

DRF: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/DigitalRightsFoundation/>  | Twitter <https://twitter.com/nighatdad>  | Website <http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk> 

Hamara Internet:  <https://www.facebook.com/HamaraInternet/> Facebook |  <https://twitter.com/hamarainternet> Twitter |  <http://www.hamarainternet.org/> Website

Cyber Harassment Helpline: <http://0800-39393/>  0800-39393


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