[liberationtech] Fwd: [PDworld] Communities & Technologies 2017, Troyes, France - Program announced + Early-bird registration until May 11
Doug Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Tue May 9 10:56:28 PDT 2017
C&T 2017 – Technology for the Common Good
26-30 June 2017, Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT), France
* Keynote and accepted papers (long, short, and case studies) announced
* Early-bird registration extended to May 11
* Doctoral consortium applications due June 2
* Several workshops still have open deadlines
The biennial Communities and Technologies (C&T) conference is the premier
international forum for stimulating scholarly debate and disseminating
research on the complex connections between communities – both physical and
virtual – and information and communication technologies.
C&T 2017 welcomes participation from researchers, designers, educators,
industry, and students from the many disciplines and perspectives bearing
on the interaction between community and technology, including
architecture, arts, business, design, economics, education, engineering,
ergonomics, informatics, information technology, geography, health,
humanities, law, media and communication studies, and social sciences. For
the 2017 round of C&T, we welcome contributions that particularly pay
attention on technology that can be deployed for the common good.
The conference program includes competitively selected, peer-reviewed
papers and case studies, as well as pre-conference workshops, a doctoral
consortium, and invited keynotes.
We look forward to welcoming you to an exciting conference in Troyes!
Myriam Lewkowicz, Markus Rohde
Conference Chairs
chairs at comtech.community
Three Challenges for Politics and Technology Development: Organizational
Complexity, Virtuality, and Design Values
Lance Bennett & Alan Borning
The democratic process is in chaos in many nations. What role has
technology played in this to date, and what are realistic goals for the
role of technology in the future? How can we best design and develop
technologies to support democratic process with participation from
community members? How can we learn from deployments and help communities
adapt to actual uses and results? These elements of the talk will be
illustrated with examples from different community projects we have done
together, including a crowd sourced voter deliberation platform, a virtual
assembly site for Occupy Wall Street, and a planned international thought
network to address related problems of economy, environment, and democracy.
Lance Bennett
Professor of Political Science and Ruddick C. Lawrence Professor of
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Director, Center for Communication & Civic Engagement
Alan Borning
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering,
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
== ACCEPTED PAPERS (long, short, and case studies)
Jennifer Marlow, Jason Wiese and Daniel Avrahami. Exploring the Effects of
Audience Visibility on Presenters and Attendees in Online Educational
Anna De Liddo, Brian Plüss and Paul Wilson. A Novel Method to Gauge
Audience Engagement with Televised Election Debates through Instant,
Nuanced Feedback Elicitation
Janis Meissner and Geraldine Fitzpatrick. Urban Knitting: Rethinking Yarn
and Technology for Practices of Urban Participation and Hybrid Crafting
Susanne Bødker, Peter Lyle and Joanna Saad-Sulonen. Untangling the Mess of
Technological Artifacts: Investigating Community Artifact Ecologies
Manuel Portela and Lucia Paz Errandonea. The role of Participatory Social
Mapping in the struggle of the territory and the right to the city: A case
study in Buenos Aires
Airi Lampinen, Donald McMillan, Barry Brown, Zarah Faraj, Deha Nemutlu
Cambazoglu and Christian Virtala. Friendly but not Friends: Designing for
Spaces Between Friendship and Unfamiliarity
Dan Richardson, Clara Crivellaro, Ahmed Kharrufa, Kyle Montague and Patrick
Olivier. Exploring Public Places as Infrastructures for Civic M-Learning
Colin Dodds, Ahmed Kharrufa, Anne Preston, Catherine Preston and Patrick
Olivier. Remix Portal: Connecting Classrooms with Local Music Communities
David Hendry, Norah Abokhodair, Rose Paquet Kinsley and Jill Palzkill
Woelfer. Homeless Young People, Jobs, and a Future Vision: Community
Members’ Perceptions of the Job Co-op
Osama Mansour and Nasrine Olson. Interpersonal Influence in Viral Social
Media – A Study of Refugee Stories on Virality
Lars Rune Christensen and Thomas Hildebrandt. Modelling Cooperative Work at
a Medical Department
Luke Hespanhol. More than Smart, Beyond Resilient: Networking Communities
for Antifragile Cities
Sara Vannini, David Nemer and Isabella Rega. Integrating mobile
technologies to achieve community development goals: the case of
telecenters in Brazil
Lisa Nathan, Michelle Kaczmarek, Maggie Castor, Shannon Cheng and Raquel
Mann. Unsettling Research Practice
Annika Wolff, Matthew Barker and Marian Petre. Creating a Datascape: a game
to support communities in using open data
Marly Samuel, Jennyfer Taylor, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus and Marko
Nieminen. Improving the flow of livelihood information among unemployed
youth in an informal settlement of Windhoek, Namibia
Ann Light, Alison Powell and Irina Shklovski. Design for Existential Crisis
in the Anthropocene Age
Daniel Auferbauer and Hilda Tellioglu. Centralized Crowdsourcing in
Disaster Management: Findings and Implications
Reem Talhouk, Tom Bartindale, Kyle Montague, Sandra Mesmar, Chaza Akik, Ali
Ghassani, Martine Najem, Hala Ghattas, Patrick Olivier and Madeline Balaam.
Implications of Synchronous IVR Radio on Syrian Refugee Health and
Community Dynamics
Johanna Ylipulli, Anna Luusua and Timo Ojala. Magic as a Creative Metaphor
in Technology Design
Katja Neureiter, Johannes Vollmer, Rebecca Luisa Gerwert Vaz de Carvalho
and Manfred Tscheligi. Starting up an E-Mentoring Relationship. A User
Di Lu, Rosta Farzan and Claudia López. To Go or not to Go! What Influences
Newcomers of Hybrid Communities to Participate Offline
Aditya Johri and Seungwon Yang. Scaffolded Help for Informal Learning: How
Experts Support Newcomers’ Productive Participation in an Online Community
Angela Di Fiore, Francesco Ceschel, Leysan Nurgalieva, Maurizio Marchese
and Fabio Casati. Design Considerations to Support Nursing Homes’
Stina Nylander and Jakob Tholander. Community-based Innovation among elite
Robb Mitchell and Thomas Olsson. Utilizing Barriers for Bridging
Communities: Three Inspirational Design Patterns for Increasing Collocated
Social Interaction
Claudia Silva, Valentina Nisi and Joseph D. Straubhaar. Share yourself
first: exploring strategies for the creation of locative content for and by
low-literacy communities
Oliver Blunk and Michael Prilla. Developing Communities of Practice in
Public Administrations: Analysis and Design Approaches
Karl Baumann, Benjamin Stokes, François Bar and Ben Caldwell.
Infrastructures of the Imagination: Community Design for Speculative Urban
Becky Michelson, Gabriel Mugar, Catherine D’Ignazio and Eric Gordon. Boston
Civic Media: A Network for Solving Wicked Problems
Cristhian Parra, Christelle Rohaut, Marianne Maeckelbergh, Valerie Issarny
and James Holston. Expanding the Design Space of ICT for Participatory
Alice V. Brown and Jaz Hee-Jeong Choi. Designing with and for Care: The
Role of Trusted Others in Nurturing Posttraumatic Growth
Gareth Davies and Mark Gaved. Seeking togetherness: moving toward a
comparative evaluation framework in an interdisciplinary DIY networking
Steve Ricken, Louise Barkhuus and Quentin Jones. Going Online to Meet
Offline: Organizational Practices of Social Activities Through Meetup
Youyang Hou and Cliff Lampe. Sustainable Hacking: Characteristics of the
Design and Adoption of Civic Hacking Projects
Marcus Foth. Lessons from Urban Guerrilla Placemaking for Smart City Commons
The Doctoral Consortium is scheduled prior to the main conference
programme, on Monday, June 26, 2017. The Doctoral Consortium (DC) offers
research students a special forum where they can present, discuss and
progress their research plans with peers and established senior researchers.
We especially welcome contributions which are related to the overall C&T
conference theme, which is devoted to technology that can be deployed for
the common good. This encompasses questions and approaches which are
concerned with securing healthy and diverse ways of societal development.
However, all contributions falling in the scope of the C&T conference are
Research students wishing to attend the doctoral consortium should submit
up to 4 pages, using the ACM templates, addressing the following:
* Introduction setting up your research area and specific research
question(s)/goals(s) (including key related work);
* Overall research approach, methodology, and expected contributions;
* Work in progress (including findings to date and next steps);
* Questions and issues for discussion, and what you hope to gain from
attending the DC;
* Short bio.
Please send proposals directly to the Doctoral Consortium Chairs by June 2:
dc at comtech.community
Yvonne Dittrich, Claudia Müller
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
dc at comtech.community
Workshops and Doctoral Consortium will take place at the University on
Monday and Tuesday (26th and 27th of June). Workshops have varying
requirements for participation and deadlines for submissions. Please check
the individual workshop websites at http://comtech.community/
Sukeshini A. Grandhi, Lars Rune Christensen
Workshop Chairs
workshops at comtech.community
== Monday, 26th of June
* Doctoral Consortium
* WS 2: Ethics for the ‘Common Good’: Actionable Guidelines for
Community-based Design Research
* WS 4: Civic Intelligence in an Uncertain and Threatening World
* WS 5: Collaborative Economies: From Sharing to Caring
* WS 6: Digital Cities 10: Towards a Localised Socio-Technical
Understanding of the ‘Real’ Smart City
* WS 12: Refugees & HCI Workshop: The Role of HCI in Responding to the
Refugee Crisis
== Tuesday, 27th of June
* WS 1: 3D Printing/Digital Fabrication for Education and the Common Good
* WS 3: Embracing Diversity with Help of Technology and Participatory
Design (EDTPD 2017)
* WS 7: Designing Participation for the Digital Fringe
* WS 8: Participatory Design, Beyond the Local
* WS 9: Solutions for Economics, Environment and Democracy (SEED)
* WS 10: Understanding and Supporting Emergent and Temporary Collaboration
across and beyond Community and Organizational Boundaries
* WS 11: Infrastructuring Smartness and/or Enhancing Communities? A
Workshop for Engaging the ‘Smart’ Vision Critically
Dr. Matthias Korn
e-Science / Computer-Supported Cooperative Research
DFG-SFB 1187: Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen
Institute for Information Systems, Fak. III, University of Siegen
Phone: +49 271 740-2293 Cell: +49 173 7232 198
Office: US-D 102 Mail: matthias.korn at uni-siegen.de
Twitter: @matsch_o0 Web: http://mkorn.binaervarianz.de/
Pdworld mailing list
Pdworld at listserv.uni-siegen.de
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