[liberationtech] Spanish woman given jail term for tweeting jokes about Franco-era assassination

José María Mateos chema at rinzewind.org
Thu Mar 30 17:22:46 PDT 2017

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 07:08:33PM -0300, F LM wrote:
>"She is unlikely to go to jail because those convicted of non-violent 
>crimes with a sentence of under two years are not imprisoned."
>Totally unethical coming from The Guardian. With that title BS I'd even 
>feel inclined to call it "fake news".

The headline replicates the standard one used all across the Spanish 
press these days. Perhaps here (there, I emigrated) it didn't need any 
further clarification as it's widely understood what that means. Just a 
couple of examples (from left- and right-leaning publications).



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