[liberationtech] Launch of our free online digital security training courses

Security First info at secfirst.org
Wed Mar 29 06:04:32 PDT 2017


In partnership with Advocacy Assembly, we are delighted to announce the
launch of our free online digital security training courses.

The topics covered are:

-Phishing, Malware and Social Engineering

-Secure Communications

-Secure Passwords and Encryption of Data

-Staying Safe Online and Using Social Media

Each course should take about 20 minutes to complete and has lots of
videos, quizzes and further resources for further learning. All courses are
available in English, Farsi and Arabic.

Get them for free here:

We hope you and your partners will find them useful! We would love to hear
any feedback you might have.

Some of our team will be at RightsCon this week, so feel free to say hi. We
will also be launching a major update of Umbrella App (
https://www.secfirst.org) in the next few weeks, with lots of new features,
content and languages. So stay tuned!

Many thanks,

The Security First Team
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