[liberationtech] Resilient Democracy project

Eric S Johnson crates at oneotaslopes.org
Thu Mar 23 06:23:49 PDT 2017

How’s that going, Lorelei—that Resilient Democracy? Got DC fixed yet?



I hope you’re well.

               Will you come to Reunion?

               We’re planning on it.

               I might try to stop thru DC on my way to Grinnell … touch base with some old friends …


We moved to Sydney a few months ago!!!

               And just before we moved, we sent elder daughter off to uni …

               … to Grinnell.

               She’s visiting us right now for her spring break (tho fall’s approaching here).

               She’s interested in econ.

               Her econ prof’d talked about a summer research project …

               … but has now reneged.

               So we’re talking about summer activities. It’s a little late—many summer internship due dates have passed.

               So I thought I’d reach out to … old friends.

               Any suggestions/thoughts for an interesting summer internship?

               Need anyone, yourself?


Well, anyway, hope to see you in a few months, one way or another …





From: liberationtech [mailto:liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu] On Behalf Of Lorelei Kelly
Sent: January 4, 2016 07.20
To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Subject: [liberationtech] Resilient Democracy project


Dear list friends, 


I'm starting a project soon called "Resilient Democracy" to examine how to best strengthen and modernize Congress in harmony with the information age.  We hope this initial research will be followed by pilot projects inside Congress itself. 


In defining this concept, I intend to blend insights from technology, governance and security.  (Resilience an appealing catch all word right now) 


If anything occurs to you about resilient systems, I would love any input of ideas, links, reading materials, events, or connections with others who might be working in overlapping or parallel remits. 


Happy New Year!  





Lorelei Kelly


Resilient Democracy Pilot Lead, Edward M Kennedy Institute for the Senate <http://www.emkinstitute.org> 


Affiliated Scholar, Stanford Center on International Conflict and Negotiation <http://www.law.stanford.edu/organizations/programs-and-centers/stanford-center-on-international-conflict-and-negotiation-scicn> 


Tweeting @loreleikelly



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