[liberationtech] Course: Collective Behavior and Distributed Intelligence (SYMSYS 275/BIO 175)
Todd Davies
davies at stanford.edu
Tue Mar 7 13:46:01 PST 2017
SYMSYS 275/BIO 175
Collective Behavior and Distributed Intelligence
An Interdisciplinary Workshop
2016-2017 Spring Quarter, Stanford University
SYMSYS 275 / BIO 175: 3 units, Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Todd Davies<http://www.stanford.edu/%7Edavies> and Deborah Gordon
<http://web.stanford.edu/%7Edmgordon/>(with assistance from Bernardo Huberman<http://www.labs.hp.com/research/idl/people/huberman/>)
Wednesdays 4:30-5:20pm
Room 460-126 (Margaret Jacks Hall<http://campus-map.stanford.edu/?id=01-460&lat=37.4285008259&lng=-122.170359989&zoom=17&srch=460l>, first floor)
Public website: http://web.stanford.edu/class/symsys275/
Course Description
This course will explore possibilities for student research projects based on presentations of faculty research. We will cover a broad range of topics within the general area of collective behavior and distributed intelligence, in both natural and artificial environments. Students will build on faculty presentations to develop proposals for future projects. Enrollment is limited to 20 students. For more info, see the course syllabus<https://symsys275.stanford.edu>.
Schedule of Presentations
Week 1
April 5
Introductions and Overview
Todd Davies<http://www.stanford.edu/%7Edavies> (Symbolic Systems), Deborah Gordon<http://web.stanford.edu/%7Edmgordon/> (Biology), and Bernardo Huberman<https://web.stanford.edu/dept/app-physics/cgi-bin/person/huberman-bernardo-a/> (Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials)
Week 2
April 12
In A Flash: Crowdsourcing Organizations, Collaboration, and Research Michael Bernstein<http://hci.stanford.edu/msb/> (Computer Science)
Week 3
April 19
Better Than the Best: The Value of Collective Intelligence Bernardo Huberman<https://web.stanford.edu/dept/app-physics/cgi-bin/person/huberman-bernardo-a/> (Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials)
Week 4
April 26
Communicative Action in Groups and Support Networks
Todd Davies<http://www.stanford.edu/%7Edavies> (Symbolic Systems)
Week 5
May 3
An Engineer’s Perspective on Insect Swarms Nick Ouellette<http://web.stanford.edu/%7Ento/> (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Week 6
May 10
Decision Making at Scale: Algorithms, Platforms, and Mechanisms
Ashish Goel<http://web.stanford.edu/%7Eashishg/> (Management Science and Engineering and Computer Science)
Week 7
May 17
Centrality, Influence, and Diffusion in Networks Matthew O. Jackson<https://web.stanford.edu/%7Ejacksonm/> (Economics)
Week 8
May 24
The Ecology of Collective Behavior in Ant Colonies
Deborah Gordon<http://web.stanford.edu/%7Edmgordon/> (Biology)
Week 9
May 31
Student Project Proposals
Week 10
June 7
Student Project Proposals
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