[liberationtech] Tinfoil (was: The Paradox in Privacy Paradox)

Jaromil jaromil at dyne.org
Tue Mar 7 09:38:48 PST 2017

On Sat, 04 Mar 2017, carlo von lynX wrote:

> That's not all. Torbrowser uses the SOCKS protocol to separate each
> browser tab into its own identity. Basically it gets you what tinfoil
> is doing, automatically, without needing to change your habits. This
> is roughly as important as using Tor in the first place. Using Tor
> with any other browser isn't giving the same level of privacy.

ACK, did not know this.

I understand this separation is within the same application runtime?

> Which makes sense whenever you are using Torbrowser without
> "Torbutton", the add-on that does the tab splitting

ACK, it is an add-on within the same browser.

> or when you choose to enable the convenient local storage features
> like bookmarks, url completion, form pre-filling. Even when using
> Torbrowser without Tor and in a configuration similar to a regular
> Firefox, it will still provide better privacy because it has various
> Javascript loopholes disabled.

This I knew. Did not read da code, but well esteemed people in my
circles often mention how Torbrowser rocks. Yet I still like to have a
small shellscript that allows easy process isolation approach also
taking advantage of firejail (and I know also firejail is not that
perfect, but anyway.. one more way out of babylon...)

At last Tinfoil still serves my purpose of having a *quick*
(key-bound) way to switch between browser profiles (and not just new
anonymous profiles) for on-line identity management.

> But I'm starting to grasp the big picture and see the little time
> that is left to get anything back in shape. [...] Episode 1 features
> Bruce Schneier saying so many things that I would be saying, too.

I must be wrong and younger :^) but I can hardly relate to this way to
put forward criticism. My recommendation is to listen more Bob Marley
who once said so gracefully "live clean let your work be seen"

JAH bless

> So somebody is indeed using opmsg...

love it ;^)


~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil    http://Dyne.org think &do tank
    "+.   CTO and co-founder      free/open source developers
      @)   ⚷ crypto κρυπτο крипто गुप्त् 加密 האנוסים المشفره
    @@)  GnuPG: 6113D89C A825C5CE DD02C872 73B35DA5 4ACB7D10
(@@@)  opmsg:73a8e097a038d82b 8afb4c05804bda0d 281b3880fbc19b88

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