[liberationtech] Fwd: The Red Pill Expo: Because Something Is Wrong

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 06:59:07 PDT 2017

Now, a less tragic message to make you all think and smile.  Or not.  :P

It's hard to know how to feel about the contrast between our ideal
world and this world here, full of illusions and lies.  Oh, sorry, I
wanted to say "alternative facts".  We have a lot of them in my
country too!  :((

Lovely days and nights, dear all!  Take care!  <3

PS for grarpamp:  - Thanks for sharing this post, my cute-cute
honeysuckle!  #love  (* - *)  <3

(Hmm...  I need to learn more cheesy lovey-dovey expressions only to
annoy grarpamp and making him blush, hahaha!!!  ;D)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com>


The Red-Pill Expo is a gathering event for truth seekers who undertand
the relevance of the allegorical sci-fi movie, The Matrix.

The film’s message is that most humans are connected to a matrix of
illusion that prevents them from realizing they merely are tools and
energy sources that serve unseen controllers. At a critical point in
the plot, the hero, whose name is Neo, is given a choice. If he wishes
to return to the illusion, he can take a blue pill. If he chooses to
see reality and break free of the controllers, he must take the red
pill – which he does.

That, however, is just the beginning. The controllers must destroy Neo
before he can awaken enough humans to dismantle the matrix and set
everyone free. The parallel to real life is chilling.

In today’s world, there are untold legions of people who have taken
the red pill and now are free of the grand illusion as it relates to
wars, terrorism, politics, education, money and banking, the judicial
system, elections, health care, and everything in between.

The Red-Pill Expo gives them a chance to meet each other, to realize
they are not alone, to develop ways to network and help each other, to
form a freedom coalition, to discover exactly who their controllers
are and, finally, to participate in activities that will dismantle the

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