[liberationtech] Fwd: Pursuance: Save the World: What's the catch?

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Sun Jun 25 11:35:10 PDT 2017

Sorry, dear all!  My manicure is pretty cute and my cuticles are
feeling great, but I didn't talk to Steve yet.  In any case, I am
sharing Douglas' link and a message of mine to tell you all about the
existence of the Pursuance Project.

Kisses and hugs from Brazil!  <3


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com>

On Sat, Jun 24, 2017, at 3:37 AM, douglas rankine
<dmarc-noreply at freelists.org> wrote:

> see url: https://pursuanceproject.org/


Steve sent this message a few minutes ago.  It would be pretty
interesting to ask him more about the Pursuance Project.  I will
probably do it, but only after to finish my manicure.  ;)


Greetings fellow Cypherpunks,

Come one, come all!  Today's hackathon has begun; just got situated in
the back where we always are during these weekly hackathons --
Saturdays from 4pm to 10pm -- in Church (at Noisebridge, which is at
2169 Mission St).

Some of us will be working on LeapChat (secure in-browser chat) and/or
Ensue (secure task management for epic swarms of activists and/or
journalists), which will be combined to create the Pursuance System,
the software behind the Pursuance Project, which is a project I'm
working on with Barrett Brown and others.

In Barrett's words, the ultimate goal of the Pursuance Project is to
create software that enables "a vast and formidable ecosystem of
opposition to institutionalized injustice".  That's what we're
building (among other things).

Want to help?  Speak to me.

And if you've yet to join the CWC chat server, join us at
https://bit.ly/cwc-mminvite or join #cpunkswritecode on Freenode.

Let's continue fulfilling the goal of Cypherpunks Write Code by
writing privacy-enhancing software the world desperately needs!


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