[liberationtech] 3rd CALL FOR FAPERS Special Issue on Technology-driven unemployment: dilemmas for ethics and social welfare
marturano at btinternet.com
Sun Jun 25 03:16:16 PDT 2017
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3rd CALLFOR FAPER Ethicsand Social Welfarehttp://www.tandfonline.com/loi/resw20
SpecialIssue on Technology-driven unemployment: dilemmas for ethics and socialwelfare
Guesteditors: Antonio Marturano (University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy)
Jana Vizmuller-Zocco (York University, Canada)
The lossof jobs due to technological innovations is starting to reach crisisproportions as many scholars and popular press warn. There areindeed many voices which decry the unemployment situation exasperated by thereplacement of humans by machines, and apparently no job is likely to beimmune. The World Technology Network forecasts that “Accelerating technologicalunemployment will likely be one of the most challenging societal issues in the21st Century”. Although the scholarly work published on the topic focusesmainly on the technical, technological, and market side, assessments whichconsider the ethical and social welfare implications of technological unemploymentare still to be addressed in detail.
Topicsto be explored from theoretical as well as practical perspectives include, butare not restricted to, the following:
* Therole of governmental institutions in technological unemployment
*Jobless future: is unconditional basic/universal income the answer?
*Social, political, and economic approaches to welfare in a jobless future
* Newethical dimensions of work originating from the technological unemploymentcrisis
*Political and social inequality created by a jobless future
*Strategic plans for skills, education, re-deployment for the technologicallyjobless
* Thepolitical control of technological unemployment
*Welfare, leadership and jobless future
*Technological displacement vs technological innovation from the perspective ofsocial welfare
*Historical visions on the ethical impacts of workload reduction
*Creating new values for a jobless future
*Political values in welfare and technological disruption in the job market
* Work ashuman value
*Conflicting values in a jobless world (for ex., the refugees crisis in the EU)
*Religious values and technological unemployment
Brieffor contributors:
In linewith the editorial aims of the journal, this call for papers focuses specificallyon the relationship between ethics, welfare, and values implicated in thepolicies and political strategies on the one hand and technologically-drivenunemployment on the other. The editors welcome academic papers which areinterdisciplinary in character. Contributions may combine wider ethical andtheoretical questions concerning technology-driven unemployment with practicalconsiderations leading to social policies and professional practices(especially the existing and future policies of local/national governments andinternational institutions, such as EU, UN, WTO to cope with the problems oftechnological joblessness). The special issue, as with other issues of thejournal, welcomes material in a variety of formats, including high quality peer-reviewedacademic papers, reflections, debates and commentaries on policy and practice,book reviews and review articles. Academic papers should be between 4-7,000words long, and practice papers should be between 750-2,500 words long. Pleaseconsult the style rules laid-out on the journal’s website:http://www.tandfonline.com/resw. All academic papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed in the normal way. Practice papers will be considered forpublication by the editors.
Procedureand timelines:
1)Completed first drafts of papers are due by the 23rd of July 2017 and must besubmitted to https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/resw. Highliting:Technological Unemployment
2)Authors informed of reviewers feedback by 3rd December 2017
3)Second revised version of the manuscripts must be submitted by 4th February2018
4) Finaldecision on manuscripts: 1st May 2018
5) Final(revised) versions must be submitted by the 18th of June 2018.
6) Finalconfirmation of paper acceptance by the 30th September 2018.
7)Papers published in the first issue of Volume 13, 2019.
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