[liberationtech] The world's most secure password for websites, games and private data.

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 02:05:58 PDT 2017

On Jun 23, 2017 5:14 AM, "Christian Pietsch" <christian.pietsch at digitalcour
age.de> wrote:

Hi Cecilia,
hi all,

Please let me explain this in case it is not obvious:

This website is a hoax. I shows the same password to everybody, time
and again. Do not use it!

Hi, Christian!  Thanks for your kind clarification!
incerely much appreciated, dear.

It was a

- apparently not so obvious -  joke
mine and I thought the
​ ​
reference to the xkcd comic strip was enough to let it even clearer.
 D'oh, I was wrong!  :P

Sorry, I apologize for it.  I thought it was pretty evident that nobody
should believe on that website and similar ones.  Pardon, I was joking, not
presenting the LibTech list a 'wow-amazing-miraculous passwords generator'
.  The xkcd method is securer than using that site, hihi...  ;)

Tender hugs from Brazil, my dear!  Thanks again!  <3

Ceci, which favorite passwords are still "123456" and "password", hahaha!!
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