[liberationtech] June 28: Critical Theory in the Digital Context: Search Engine Labour and Creative Production

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Thu Jun 22 02:00:24 PDT 2017

Critical Theory in the Digital Context: Search Engine Labour and 
Creative Production
Wed, June 28, 2017, 18:00
WIAS Seminar
University of Westminster
309 Regent St, Room UG.04


How are major search algorithms produced? How is their global relevance 
sustained and promoted? What is the role of creativity in digital games 
production? How do creative producers cope with contradictions in their 
precarious workplaces?

Focusing on search engines and the digital games industry, Ergin Bulut 
and Paško Bilić will in two talks explore various angles of critical 
theory. Concepts such as technological rationality, alienation, 
bio-political production and exploitation will be evoked to understand 
the specifics of labour processes in digital contexts.

Paško Bilić is Research Associate at the Department for Culture and 
Communication, Institute for Development and International Relations in 
Zagreb, Croatia.

Ergin Bulut is Assistant Professor at the Department of Media and Visual 
Arts at Koc University, Istanbul.

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