[liberationtech] CfPo on security and privacy at IWSEC 2017, Hiroshima, Japan

WohlgemuthSven / WOHLGEMUTH,SVEN sven.wohlgemuth.kd at hitachi.com
Tue Jun 13 23:58:18 PDT 2017

Dear members of the Liberationtech mailing list,

In regards to ICT support to a society, e.g., smart services for healthcare,

the 12th Int. Workshop on Security (IWSEC) 2017 addresses security and privacy issues

among others with its keynotes, e.g., Practical Risk-based Approaches for Anonymizing Health Data: A Perspective from the Trenches.

  August 30 (Wed)-September 1 (Fri), 2017

  International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan

  Web page: http://www.iwsec.org/2017/

  Registration: http://www.iwsec.org/2017/registration.html

  Co-organized by CSEC of IPSJ, Japan, and ISEC of IEICE, Japan

In addition to accepted papers, IWSEC 2017 decided to an open CALL FOR POSTERS that focus on any relevant topic in the workshop. Posters can present on-going study, idea or project that is not mature yet, but interesting work in progress. Student projects (Bachelor, Master or PhD) or any other relevant study are also welcome. Posters will be presented in poster-style, i.e. interactive presentation. Posters must be designed to fit within an A0 size space (118.9 cm (height) and 84.1 cm (width), or 46.8 in (height) and 33.1 in (width)), and may consist of a single printed poster or separate pieces. Poster presenters MUST BRING their own poster to the workshop venue on the poster presentation date. IWSEC 2017 DOES NOT provide any printing support for the poster. Poster boards and pushpins will be provided by the workshop.

[Important Dates]

* Submission deadline: July 31st, 2017, 23:59 JST

* Notification of Acceptance: To be sent in 2 weeks from the each submission

* Registration of the accepted poster presenter: August 20th, 2017

* Submission deadline of final poster for web publication (only for those who wish to upload the poster at the workshop webpage) : August 24th, 2017.

[Publication Policy for Posters]

The posters will be formally included in the program of IWSEC 2017, and the list of accepted posters will be available through the workshop web page. NO PAPER proceedings will be published regarding the posters, however IWSEC 2017 will provide 1MB size space for each poster at IWSEC 2017 web page. Poster presenters can publish the poster at the workshop web page. In addition to the poster, 2-page abstract of the poster can also be published if the authors wish. Both data must be in pdf-format. The documents will be available at the workshop web page one week before and after the workshop date.

Basically the copyrights of any content for the poster presentations are retained by the authors; we WILL NOT impose any restrictions on the poster authors to submit the contents to other journals/conferences in the future.

However the authors must take considerable care in publishing the documents at the workshop web page. Every published document is POSTER AUTHORS’ RESPONSIBILITY. IWSEC 2017 accept no responsibility and no liability for any loss resulting from the published documents. IWSEC 2017 does not endorses documents that violates any law or infringes the rights of any third party.

[Instructions for Authors]

In order to present a poster, authors MUST email the following information to [iwsec2017_poster at is.sci.toho-u.ac.jp] by July 31st, 2017, 23:59 JST :

* Title

* Author(s)

* One or two paragraph abstract

* Name of person presenting the poster

* Whether wishing to publish the poster at the IWSEC 2017 poster page.

After having notification of acceptance e-mail, at least one author is required to register with the workshop by August 20th and present the poster.

Any student who will present a poster is classified as a "Presenting Poster Student" while any regular participants who will present a poster is classified as a “Presenting Poster Regular" for the registration fee.

After making a registration, the poster authors who wish to upload the poster at the workshop web page must email a final poster in pdf-format to [iwsec2017_poster at is.sci.toho-u.ac.jp] by August 24th, 23:59 JST. If the poster authors wish to publish a 2-page abstract of the poster as well, just email it in pdf-format with the poster.


Poster session will be held at the same room/place for coffee breaks and welcome party. Submissions and presentations must be in English.

[Best Poster Awards]

Prizes will be awarded to the authors of the best poster presentation(s). Poster awards ceremony will be held at the banquet venue.


No visa support will be provided for poster presenters.


Poster Chair: Takumi Yamamoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corp, Japan)

Send any questions regarding poster presentation to [iwsec2017_poster at klab.is.sci.toho-u.ac.jp].

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Sven Wohlgemuth

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