[liberationtech] liberationtech Digest, Vol 294, Issue 1

Ian Anderson ian.beny.anderson at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 19:05:04 PDT 2017


On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 2:34 PM <liberationtech-request at lists.stanford.edu>

> Send liberationtech mailing list submissions to
>         liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>         https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         liberationtech-request at lists.stanford.edu
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         liberationtech-owner at lists.stanford.edu
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of liberationtech digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Imagining a New Public Information and    Communication
>       Infrastructure (Doug Schuler)
>    2. 4th Annual International Conference on    Communication and
>       Management (ICCM2018) (Dr Margarita Kefalaki_COMinG)
>    3. Fwd: Top German Court on Internet tracking: IP    addresses are
>       personal data (Cecilia Tanaka)
>    4. Fwd: [ogp] Hello world + Event: Data Investigation        Camp
>       (Steven Clift)
>    5. Media Democracy Fund is hiring (Amber French)
>    6. Digital Needs and the Commons under Informational Capitalism
>       (Christian Fuchs)
>    7. Cholera outbreak in Sudan: important statement. ??????
>       ???????? ?? ???????: ???? ??? (Sudan Changenow)
>    8. Fwd: CPDP2018 Call for Papers (Moritz Bartl)
>    9. MA/PhD in Digital Media and Society,      Cardiff/UK: Funding
>       available (Arne Hintz)
>   10. Quantitative study on Online VAW in Pakistan (Nighat Dad)
>   11. Re: Quantitative study on Online VAW in Pakistan (Bryan Sande)
>   12. Fwd: Organizer = Tech Person (Steven Clift)
>   13. DRL Internet Freedom Annual Program Statement     Released
>       (InternetFreedom)
>   14. #DisInfoWeek Fwd: NDI EVENT: Computational        Propaganda
>       Worldwide (Steven Clift)
>   15. Collective inteligence for democracy in Madrid    (open call)
>       (Bernardo Guti?rrez)
>   16. Job: Postdoc in criminal law and privacy, due 9 June 2017
>       (Bryce C Newell)
>   17. Fwd: [PMO Network] TICTeC at Taipei: Only 10 days left to submit
>       a session proposal (Steven Clift)
>   18. Deadline Extended: Call for C&T 2017 Workshop Papers - 3D
>       printing and digital fabrication for education and the common
>       good (Konstantin Aal)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 21:49:24 -0700
> From: Doug Schuler <douglas at publicsphereproject.org>
> To: liberationtech <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Subject: [liberationtech] Imagining a New Public Information and
>         Communication Infrastructure
> Message-ID:
>         <CACt_=
> dL+wD88+WEa6LxVN9mYBiPs+X7orRb+jZ9jR3OHPgV5Uw at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> The idea of a big open-source collaboration for a problem-solving
> not-for-profit global platform seems to becoming more popular. I wouldn't
> call it a juggernaut just yet.
> I wanted to mention my recent article for the Computers and Society
> Newsletter: "Imagining a New Public Information and Communication
> Infrastructure which is available at
> http://www.sigcas.org/newsletter/volume-47-issue-1/6.pdf for a few weeks
> at
> least (and on the public sphere project site at
> http://publicsphereproject.org/sites/default/files/public-infrastructure.preprint.pdf
> ).
> Incidentally a reporter at vice.com did a write-up (
> https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/a-plea-for-multispace-the-diy-civic-internet-that-will-never-exist
> )
> of the article. It was somewhat encouraging while mentioning the technical
> naivet? of the author a couple of times (a "rosy treatise"). In my note
> back to him I mentioned that I believe the technical challenges are
> miniscule when stacked up against the social challenges.
> The way I'd propose starting something like this from the ground up would
> be to start developing a "pattern language" that depicts the broad ? and
> evolving ?"rules" that would help guide us. These would be incrementally
> developed by the researchers / developers / practitioners and would change
> over time to reflect current and expected circumstances. This process bears
> some resemblance to the Request for Comments (RFC) and the Portland Pattern
> Repository (which led to Wikis, Wikipedia, etc.) approaches that was used
> in the development of the Internet.
> I'd suggest a number of Public Infrastructure Development Pattern
> Categories under which the pattens would fit. Here's the draft list so far:
> Purpose
> Principles
> Community
> Architecture
> Governance
> Development
> Functionality and Services
> Looks and Feels
> Policy
> Outreach / Communication
> Users and Use Cases
> Projects & Experiments
> Long View, Strategy, and Planning
> And the patterns within the categories could be in various states: in
> development / comments requested / accepted / accepted provisionally /
> tabled / others?
> I'm curious whether people think this approach sounds useful or practical.
> Thanks!
> ? Doug
> PS. I also looked into this via another perspective in Creating the World
> Citizen Parliament,
> http://interactions.acm.org/archive/view/may-june-2013/creating-the-world-citizen-parliament
> .
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 08:22:40 +0300
> From: "Dr Margarita Kefalaki_COMinG" <mke at coming.gr>
> To: "'liberationtech'" <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Subject: [liberationtech] 4th Annual International Conference on
>         Communication and Management (ICCM2018)
> Message-ID: <000901d2d05f$ef9e86a0$cedb93e0$@coming.gr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dear friend/ colleague,
> Good day!
> Dear friend/ colleague,
> The  <http://coming.gr> Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG)
> invites you to submit your paper at its
> 4th Annual International Conference on Communication and Management
> (ICCM2018),
> 23 -26 April 2018, Athens, Greece.
> Here you have the Call for papers and participation:  <
> http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/>
> http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/
> The aim of this cross-disciplinary conference is to bring together
> academics, students, researchers and professionals from different
> disciplines and cultural backgrounds, encourage them present their work,
> communicate, exchange and collaborate. You can participate to present a
> paper, chair a session, organise a panel, or even be an observer. Past
> conferences drew participants from different continents and countries (more
> than 50), presenting papers on diverse topics such as political
> communication, multicultural & cultural issues, Education and Management,
> Political Communication, European themes, ?ew Media / artificial
> intelligence, Advertising, Branding, Marketing, New technology &
> Communication, Crisis Communication & Media, E-communication ? Journalism,
> Management and Business Communication, cultural studies, public relations
> and advertising, among others.
> This year we propose a Panel on Education, as a part of ICCM2018 with  <
> http://coming.gr/index.php/jacqueline-a-stefkovich/> Dr Jacqueline
> Stefkovich , Ac. Member COMinG & Professor Emeritus, The Pennsylvania State
> University, USA (Head of the Panel) and  <
> http://coming.gr/index.php/ailson-j-de-moraes/> Ailson J. De Moraes
> (teaching education responsible). To register for the Panel on Education,
> please use  <
> http://coming.gr/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ICCM2018_Panel_EDU_Abstract_template2.doc>
> ICCM2018_AT_EDU following the same procedure.
> Important deadlines & dates
> Deadline to submit your abstract: 20 September 2017
> Deadline to Register & to submit Full Papers : specified at your
> Acceptance Letter sent to you after the acceptance of your abstract
> The conference (!): 23 -26 April 2018
> Call For Papers :  <http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/>
> http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/
> Website :  <http://coming.gr/> http://coming.gr/
> For more information :  <mailto:info at coming.gr> info at coming.gr
> Abstract Submission
> You can submit your abstract (no more than 300 words) using the  <
> http://coming.gr/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ICCM2018_Abstract_template2.doc>
> ICCM2018_AT  by email at  <mailto:registration at coming.gr>
> registration at coming.gr  by September 20 th 2017 or/and can attach it at
>  <http://coming.gr/index.php/abstract-submiting-form/> abstract
> submission form
> Deadline to register and to submit your full paper will be specified at
> your acceptance letter. Decisions will be made within two (2) weeks after
> your submission. If you do not receive an acknowledgement of your
> registration or you meet any kind of problem, please contact us at  <mailto:
> indo at coming.gr> info at coming.gr
> In case you would like to participate without presenting a paper, i.e.
> organise a panel (session, mini conference), chair a session, review papers
> to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the
> editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to Dr.
> Margarita Kefalaki, President of Communication Institute of Greece (
> <mailto:mke at coming.gr> mke at coming.gr ).
> Publication policy
> All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings online
> with ISBN. Selected papers will be published at the  <
> http://mediacritiques.net/index.php/jmc> Journal of Media Critiques [JMC]
> and/or the  <http://www.cambridgescholars.com/> Cambridge Scholars and/or
> the  <https://www2.ia-engineers.org/JMTI/index.php/jmti> Journal of
> Management and Training for Industries.
> Fees
> The registration fee is ?300 (euro), covering access to all sessions, 2
> lunches, coffee breaks and conference material. In addition, a number of
> cultural activities are organised such as a Greek Night entertainment with
> dinner, an educational tour around Athens (includes the Acropolis), a
> social dinner, a Greek islands? cruise and a one-day visit to Delphi. For
> details concerning the social program, please click at  <
> http://coming.gr/index.php/conference-educational-program/> Conference
> Social Program The conference will take place at a luxurious hotel. A
> special price is reserved for ICCM2018 conference participants (you will
> get more information after you receive your Acceptance Letter).
> Conference Topics
> Papers can include topics on the areas of Communication, Management, and
> Marketing. Related disciplines will be considered, including papers on
> Education for the panel on Education. For more information please visit:  <
> http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/>
> http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/
> Conference Heads
> *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/rudy-r-pugliese/> Dr Rudy R. Pugliese,
> Head, Mass Communication part of the conference, Professor, School of
> Communication, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, with *  <
> http://coming.gr/index.php/andreas-veglis/> Dr Andreas Veglis, Head,
> Mediated Communication Technologies part of the conference, Professor and
> Head ,Media Informatics Lab and School of Journalism and Mass
> Communication, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
> *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/jacqueline-a-stefkovich/> Dr Jacqueline
> Stefkovich , Head of the Panel on Education & Professor Emeritus, The
> Pennsylvania State University, USA, with  <
> http://coming.gr/index.php/ailson-j-de-moraes/> Ailson J. De Moraes
> (Teacher education).
> *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/christian-schnee/> Dr Christian Schnee,
> Head, Political Communication & Political Marketing part of the conference
> , with *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/carolin-rekar-munro/> Dr Carolin
> Rekar Munro, Associate Professor of Leadership, Faculty of Management,
> Royal Roads University, Canada
> *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/omoregie-charles-osifo/> Dr Omoregie
> Charles Osifo, Head, Management part of the conference, Assistant Professor
> of Public Management at the University of Vaasa Finland, with *  <
> http://coming.gr/index.php/david-h-hartmann/> Dr David H. <
> http://coming.gr/index.php/david-h-hartmann/> Hartmann, Professor,
> Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Central
> Oklahoma, USA
> *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/ane-pearman/> Dr An? Pearman, Head,
> Intercultural communication part of the conference, Assistant Professor,
> Communication, Humanities Division, Tidewater Community College, USA, with
> *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/catherine-herrgott/> Dr Catherine Herrgott
> , Head,  Intangible cultural heritage part of the conference, Associate
> researcher, Phonetics and Phonology, University of Paris III, Sorbonne
> Nouvelle, Paris, France
> The  <http://coming.gr/> Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) was
> established in 2003 in France. In Greece, since 2013, it appeared as an
> independent academic association that has for mission to become a forum,
> where academics and researchers ? from all over the world ? can meet in
> Greece to exchange ideas on their research and to discuss future
> developments in their disciplines.
> The conference is under the auspices of the The European Economic Interest
> Grouping. Additionally the  <
> http://centerforinterculturaldialogue.org/centers/centers-and-organizations-europe/>
> Center of Intercultural Dialog and  <http://www.braun-foundation.org/>
> The Braun Foundation for International Exchange are helping to advertise
> the conference.
> For more information please visit our website  <http://www.coming.gr/>
> www.coming.gr  or send an email to  <mailto:info at coming.gr> info at coming.gr
> The Communication Institute of Greece is an associate member of the
> European Economic Interest Grouping, European Union
>  <http://coming.gr/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Associate-Member.png>
> Thank you for disseminating the information!
> Best regards,
> Margarita
> Dr Margarita Kefalaki, President
> Communication Institute of Greece
> URL:  <http://coming.gr/> http://coming.gr/
> Address: Artemidos 12, Moschato, 18345
> E-mail:  <mailto:mke at coming.gr> mke at coming.gr , Tel.: +30 6989478611
>           <https://www.facebook.com/groups/252564804911830/>      <
> https://gr.linkedin.com/pub/communication-institute-of-greece/8a/143/699>
>      <https://twitter.com/COMinGreece>    <
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyc56NkjK4tJDGrimAOvvIg>
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 10:02:16 -0300
> From: Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com>
> To: liberationtech <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Subject: [liberationtech] Fwd: Top German Court on Internet tracking:
>         IP      addresses are personal data
> Message-ID:
>         <CAG2tMp5vXzOhsigXDYB_GW7u3vb0oHbBbVqzfOqoF=
> mcCcgaaQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:  <pab at daten-speicherung.de>
> Press release:
> +++ Top German Court on Internet tracking: IP addresses are personal
> data +++
> This week the German Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) looked
> into whether website operators such as Google or Facebook may record
> which information Internet users read, post or searched on the web ? or
> whether citizens have a right to use the Internet anonymously. The
> ruling concerns the case of German pirate party politician and privacy
> activist Patrick Breyer who is suing the German government over logging
> all visits to government websites (Case VI ZR 135/13).
> According to the court?s ruling, users? IP addresses qualify as personal
> data and may be collected only where allowed by data protection law.
> Contrary to some reports, the Court did not decide[2] on whether website
> operators may retain IP addresses in bulk to guard against online
> attacks. Instead the court referred the case back to the Court of Appeal
> (Landgericht) of Berlin in order to establish a sufficient factual basis
> concerning the necessity and proportionality of such metadata retention.
> The court?s press release[3] translates as follows:
> ?In the present case the Court of Appeal?s findings were insufficient to
> balance the interests at stake. The Court of Appeal did not sufficiently
> establish whether retaining the applicant?s IP addresses is necessary in
> order to ensure the (general) operability of the services used. The
> defendent concedes that it does not retain IP addresses regarding many
> of its websites due to the low risk of an attack. There are no findings
> as to the risk of attack suffered by other federal websites the
> applicant wishes to use. After establishing these facts the Court of
> Appeal will need to balance, as required by the European Court of
> Justice, the defendent?s interest in ensuring the operability of its
> online media services against the applicant?s interest or fundamental
> rights and freedoms. In this context due regard shall be given to the
> issues of general prevention and law enforcement.?
> Breyer calls on the Commission to act on the lack of specific EU rules
> protecting on-line privacy: ?The Commission should amend EU legislation
> to specifically prohibit any blanket recording of our Internet use by
> website operators. Europe should reject the ruthless NSA method of
> ?collecting it all? and enforce our right to freedom of information and
> expression in the digital age.?
> Breyer argues that websites can be safe without tracking every user
> across every page: ?This Internet stalking is about as useful as
> mounting a CCTV camera next to an open warehouse door. We need secure IT
> systems, not a general suspicion against Europe?s 400 million Internet
> users?.
> Website operators often record and track their users online behaviour
> for commercial purposes, but also to disclose records to law enforcement
> agencies and owners of copyright-protected content upon request. Breyer
> is challenging this practise and demands that operators anonymize users?
> IP addresses:
> ?Banning governments and Internet giants from identifiably recording our
> browsing habits is the only way to effectively shield our private life
> and interests, to prevent erroneous infringement notices and false
> suspicions. IP addresses have turned out to be extremely prone to error
> und unreliable when used to identify users. For as long as browsing the
> Internet can result in prosecution, there is no real freedom of
> information and expression on-line.
> Nobody has a right to record everything we do and say on-line.
> Generation Internet has a right to access information on-line just as
> unmonitored and without inhibition as our parents read the paper,
> listened to the radio or browsed books.?
> Court?s press release (German)[4]
> Report by Technology Law Dispatch (English)[5]
> [2]
> https://www.technologylawdispatch.com/2017/05/in-the-courts/german-federal-supreme-court-confirms-dynamic-ip-addresses-may-constitute-personal-data/
> [3]
> http://juris.bundesgerichtshof.de/cgi-bin/rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bgh&Art=pm&Datum=2017&Sort=3&nr=78289
> [4]
> http://juris.bundesgerichtshof.de/cgi-bin/rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bgh&Art=pm&Datum=2017&Sort=3&nr=78289
> [5]
> https://www.technologylawdispatch.com/2017/05/in-the-courts/german-federal-supreme-court-confirms-dynamic-ip-addresses-may-constitute-personal-data/
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 07:11:46 -0500
> From: Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org>
> To: newswire <newswire at groups.dowire.org>, liberationtech
>         <liberationtech at mailman.stanford.edu>,
>         responsible_data at lists.theengineroom.org, poplus
>         <poplus at googlegroups.com>, news-online at groups.dowire.org
> Cc: andrea at tacticaltech.org
> Subject: [liberationtech] Fwd: [ogp] Hello world + Event: Data
>         Investigation   Camp
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAO9TZ0WMbOzY6f-OFKCc4J+2m0W17w02BdrPHbaAVJOJn4k20A at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> See: https://tacticaltech.org/datacamp
> From: "Andrea Figari" <andrea at tacticaltech.org>
> Date: May 22, 2017 7:04 AM
> Subject: [ogp] Hello world + Event: Data Investigation Camp
> To: "OGP Civil Society community" <ogp at dgroups.org>
> Cc:
> Dear members of the OGP Community,
> I have just joined the list. I work for the Tactical Technology
> Collective, based in Berlin, from where I lead a project looking at
> civic space and how technology and data influences our activism and
> right to freedom of assembly and association.
> We do training and workshops focusing on data and privacy but also on
> how technology can help people manage data, investigate and use it for
> their campaigning and evidence based advocacy.
> In this last area, I would like to share a call for applications for an
> event, the Data Investigation Camp -to take place in July, deadline on
> May 29.
> All the info and link for applications is below.
> ************
> Tactical Tech has opened the call for applications for its first ever
> "Data Investigation Camp", for experienced evidence explorers, data
> critics and data storytellers working on social/political issues such as
> *corruption*, accountability and transparency, environmental and social
> justice, human rights, and abuses of power.
> Especially useful to organisations or people using data for evidence
> based campaigning.
> The event will take place from 19-24 July 2017 in an old port town in
> Montenegro.
> Applicants from all over the world are accepted -the deadline is May 29.
> Those selected will be eligible for funding of their costs.
> The Data Investigation Camp will bring 50 people together to focus on
> how we can use this data to understand and expose misconduct and abuses
> of power within a human rights, investigative journalism and
> anti-corruption framework.
> This event is specifically designed for participants who already have
> existing experience using data to tell stories and change narratives
> through proven and successful projects.
> We plan to share practical knowledge, techniques, methodologies, tools
> and skills on data investigations. From collecting to analysing to
> visualising data, we will look at working with closed and open, small
> and big, personal and public data. We will work together to explore new
> techniques, share skills, push boundaries and build on the existing
> knowledge, skill, and experience of our community while including new
> voices.
> Come with a project, get inspired by others and learn new skills and
> techniques. We will push the boundaries of data led evidence gathering,
> share practical techniques, spark friction, explore difficult dilemmas
> and build networks.
> More details and link to the application form can be found here
> https://tacticaltech.org/datacamp
> Please feel free to share! Remember, the deadline is May 29th.
> Best regards
> Andrea
> --
> Andrea Figari
> Director for Community Engagement
> Tactical Technology Collective
> Brunnenstra?e 9, 10119 Berlin, Germany
> Tel: +49(30) 26549025 (direct)
> Tel: +49(30) 41715333 (office)
> Email: andrea at tacticaltech.org |
> GPG Key: D120 03AD 58F6 9484 00E0 0754 C9EA 330E EE1E 5408
> tacticaltech.org | Twitter: @info_activism |
> __________
> You are receiving this message because you're a member of the community OGP
> Civil Society community.
> View this contribution on the web site https://dgroups.org/_/1p8v4cqv
> A reply to this message will be sent ONLY to andrea at tacticaltech.org.
> To reply to all members of OGP Civil Society community, send a message to
> ogp at dgroups.org.
> To unsubscribe, send an email to leave.ogp at dgroups.org
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 14:25:05 -0400
> From: Amber French <amber at opentechfund.org>
> To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: [liberationtech] Media Democracy Fund is hiring
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAK6OHVRj4YroM26CJToFvjgEszxJ5idd95EwOTN6iM3JqnJ3jA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Media Democracy Fund seeks applicants for our Open Technology Fund program
> manager position.
> http://mediademocracyfund.org/mdf-is-hiring-2/
> Please help us spread the word about this great opportunity.
> Amber French
> Deputy Director
> Media Democracy Fund
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 12:15:23 +0100
> From: Christian Fuchs <christian.fuchs at uti.at>
> To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: [liberationtech] Digital Needs and the Commons under
>         Informational   Capitalism
> Message-ID: <966e24b1-e533-f8e2-0e29-497deb36fb95 at uti.at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Digital Needs and the Commons under Informational Capitalism
> A WIAS research seminar with talks by Sebastian Sevignani and Benjamin
> Birkinbine
> Tue, June 6, 18:00-20:00
> 309 Regent Street, W1B 2HW, London
> Boardroom
> Organised by the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies (WIAS)
> Registration:
> https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/digital-needs-and-the-commons-under-informational-capitalism-tickets-33491158958
> How can we define informational ?needs?? What type of information is
> necessary for human development, survival, and social progress? What is
> in this context the role of the information commons and digital commons?
> In what ways does capitalism restrict the fulfillment of these needs?
> In this seminar, Dr. Sebastian Sevignani reflects on what needs are, how
> they develop, and offers proposals for what informational needs might
> be. Dr. Benjamin Birkinbine focuses specifically on the informational
> commons as one way to provide for such needs, while highlighting the
> contradictions that these movements face under capitalism. The overall
> goal for this discussion is to work toward a critical theory of needs
> under informational capitalism.
> Benjamin J Birkinbine is Assistant Professor of Media Studies at
> University of Nevada, Reno. Whilst based at WIAS as international
> research fellow, he works towards a critical theory of the digital commons.
> Sebastian Sevignani is Assistant Professor at the Department for General
> Sociology and Sociological Theory, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
> As WIAS international research fellow he works on foundations of a
> theory of digital needs.
> For updates, subscribe to WIAS-newsletter:
> https://www.westminster.ac.uk/newsletter
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 19:19:28 +0300
> From: Sudan Changenow <sudanchangenow at gmail.com>
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Subject: [liberationtech] Cholera outbreak in Sudan: important
>         statement. ?????? ???????? ?? ???????: ???? ???
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAAY0AxLJ9RbDDbdcWN1nQtUcL8aOmx_2f1FYP9eMQJ1TLhfftw at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dear
> Please have attached an important statement from Sudan Change Now movement
> on the spread of cholera in Sudan.
> Regards
> ??????? ?????
> ?????? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??
> ???????
> ?? ???????
> --
> *Best Regards, Sudan Change Now Movement
> https://www.facebook.com/SudanChangeNow
> <https://www.facebook.com/SudanChangeNow> Or on twitter @Sudanchangenow*
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 19:13:53 +0200
> From: Moritz Bartl <bartl at renewablefreedom.org>
> To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: [liberationtech] Fwd: CPDP2018 Call for Papers
> Message-ID:
>         <56f94bfa-96d5-af74-8cda-f978598c3789 at renewablefreedom.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:        CPDP2018 Call for Papers
> Date:   Mon, 29 May 2017 13:19:27 +0200
> CPDP2018 Call for Papers
> Call for Papers CPDP2018 ? The Internet of Bodies. This call is
> addressed to all researchers who wish to present their papers at the
> next Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference.
>  CPDP Conferences 10th anniversary
>  *CALL FOR PAPERS 2018 ? The Internet of Bodies*
> CPDP is an annual three-day conference devoted to privacy and data
> protection. The 11th edition of CPDP will be held on 24-26 January 2018
> in Brussels. Whilst a number of speakers are specifically invited by the
> conference, several slots remain open to application through an annual
> call for papers. The CPDP2018 Call for Papers is addressed to all
> researchers who wish to present their papers at the next Computers,
> Privacy and Data Protection conference.
> The call is split into two different tracks. The first is dedicated to
> experienced researchers (i.e. from postdoctoral researchers on), while
> the second welcomes PhD students and other junior researchers.
> Contributions are welcome from all disciplines with perspectives on the
> themes of the conference. The dual-track structure of the CPDP2018 Call
> for Papers aims to meet the increasing interest of researchers ? from
> all levels and from multiple disciplines ? in CPDP and their
> expectations in terms of academic feedback and exchange. Please submit
> your contribution through the EasyChair conference system through the
> following link:
> https://easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?key=54227266.Ef8HraNpV6VsWoCE
> The overarching theme of the 2018 edition is the ?Internet of Bodies?.
> Data collection increasingly focuses on the physical body. Bodies are
> increasingly connected, digitized and informatized. In turn, the data
> extracted is reassembled in ways that give rise to significant questions
> ? challenging fundamental assumptions about where the corporeal ends and
> the informational begins. Biometrics, genetic data processing and the
> quantified self are only some of the trends and technologies reaching
> into the depths of our bodies. Emerging technologies such as human
> enhancement, neural implants and brain wave technology look likely to
> soon become a daily reality.
> The CPDP Scientific Committee invites papers in the fields of law,
> social sciences, philosophy and computer sciences (as well as other
> relevant fields). Multidisciplinary papers are particularly welcome. In
> particular, this call aims to reach researchers whose works relate to
> new technologies, privacy and data protection. Selected researchers will
> have the valuable opportunity to present their papers in the conference
> academic sessions. The main theme highlighted this year is ?The Internet
> of Bodies?, but we welcome any original topics related to the general
> themes of the conference and especially encourage technology-focused and
> interdisciplinary submissions.
> Follow this link
> information about the topics presented at previous editions of CPDP.
> In case of doubt regarding the suitability of a contribution for the
> conference, please contact Lorenzo Dalla Corte
> <mailto:lorenzo.dallacorte at cpdpconferences.org
> ?subject=Call%20for%20Papers>.
>  *Deadline for submissions: Friday 29 September 2017 (23:59 CET).
> Notification to authors: Friday 1 December 2017.*
>  Papers accepted for presentation at the conference will go through a
> second round of reviews for inclusion in the conference book (see below).
>  * *
> Authors responding to this Call for Papers are asked to submit a full
> paper via a dedicated webpage on the EasyChair system, together with a
> short abstract and up to 5 keywords. Authors should select the track for
> which they are applying in EasyChair: either CPDP2018 Experienced
> Researchers or CPDP2018 Junior Researchers.
> Papers should be between 6000 and 8000 words in length, excluding
> footnotes and bibliography. Authors must make use of the OSCOLA (4th
> ed.) referencing style. The text of the paper should not include the
> name of the author(s) and all self-references should be deleted.
> Submissions not meeting these criteria risk rejection without
> consideration of quality.
> Contributions and identifying information should be submitted through
> the EasyChair conference system.
> Papers will be selected on the basis of their quality. All submitted
> papers will be peer reviewed by members of the CPDP2018 Scientific
> Committee (and other independent reviewers where necessary) and will be
> commented upon by distinguished scholars. Authors of accepted papers
> must guarantee that their papers will be presented at the conference: at
> least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for the
> conference and to present the paper. Accepted papers will be considered
> for publication in the conference book published by Springer.
> Selected authors will receive free entrance for the duration of the
> conference. Funding for travel expenses may be available for PhD
> Candidates who cannot cover their own costs. If you require funding,
> please get in touch.
> For further details on the conference structure and its main topic
> areas, interested researchers are invited to visit the
> www.cpdpconferences.org
> info at cpdpconferences.org
>  Nine books based on papers presented at previous CPDP conferences have
> already been published, and a 10th edition is currently in production:
>  1. Gutwirth, S., Y. Poullet, P. De Hert, C. de Terwangne, and S. Nouwt,
>     eds. Reinventing Data Protection? Dordrecht: Springer, 2009.
>  2. Gutwirth, S., Y. Poullet, and P. De Hert, eds. Data Protection in a
>     Profiled World. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010. (www.springer.com
>  3. Gutwirth, S., Y. Poullet, P. De Hert and R. Leenes eds. Computers,
>     Privacy and Data Protection: an Element of Choice. Dordrecht:
>     Springer, 2011.
>  4. Gutwirth, S., R. Leenes, P. De Hert and Y. Poullet, European Data
>     Protection: In Good Health? Dordrecht: Springer, 2012.
>  5. Gutwirth, S., R. Leenes, P. De Hert and Y. Poullet, European Data
>     Protection: Coming of Age, Dordrecht: Springer, 2012.
>  6. Gutwirth, S., R. Leenes and P. De Hert, Reloading Data Protection:
>     Multidisciplinary Insights and Contemporary Challenges. Dordrecht:
>     Springer, 2014.
>  7. Gutwirth, S., Leenes, R. and P. De Hert, Reforming European Data
>     Protection Law, Dordrecht: Springer, 2015.
>  8. Gutwirth, S., Leenes, R. and P. De Hert, Data Protection on the
>     Move, Dordrecht: Springer, 2016.
>  9. Leenes R., Van Brakel R., Gutwirth, S., and P. De Hert, Computers,
>     Privacy and Data Protection: Invisibilities & Infrastructures.
>     Dordrecht: Springer.
>  CPDP would like to create a platform where all people passionate about
> privacy and data-protection can meet. If you are a social, political or
> computer scientist, activist, policy maker, lawyer, ICT expert or
> passionate person interested in being a speaker or getting involved in
> next year's Conference, please notify the Conference secretariat at the
> following address: info at cpdpconferences.org
> <mailto:info at cpdpconferences.org?subject=Call%20for%20Papers>
> We look forward to welcoming you at CPDP2018!
> Warm regards,
>  The Programming Committee
>  Scientific Committee
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 18:28:57 +0000
> From: Arne Hintz <HintzA at cardiff.ac.uk>
> To: Liberation Technologies <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Subject: [liberationtech] MA/PhD in Digital Media and Society,
>         Cardiff/UK: Funding available
> Message-ID:
>         <
> HE1PR0202MB2602E1C89BA7C76C6BF98BF59BF30 at HE1PR0202MB2602.eurprd02.prod.outlook.com
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> Dear all,
> funding is currently available for students in postgraduate programmes at
> Cardiff University, UK, including the MA Digital Media and Society and the
> PhD in Journalism (with a focus on Digital Media and Society). Applications
> for the coming academic year (2017/18) are still accepted.
> The MA Digital Media and Society explores current challenges in areas such
> as big data, digital rights, social media, digital culture and economy,
> internet governance and online politics. Find out more:
> http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses/course/digital-media-and-society-ma.
> The Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies also offers a
> wide range of other MA programmes in areas such as journalism studies, data
> journalism, and political communication. Check the list of MAs here:
> http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/journalism-media-cultural-studies/courses/postgraduate-taught
> .
> Cardiff University offers Master?s Excellence Scholarships in the form of
> a tuition fee discount. Find out more about the scholarships here:
> https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/funding-and-fees/masters-excellence-scholarships.
> To be eligible for the scholarships, please apply for the MA programme no
> later than 15 June.
> The School's PhD programme (
> http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/journalism-media-cultural-studies/courses/postgraduate-research)
> encourages students to engage with one of its research clusters, including
> Digital Media and Society. Find out more about the application process
> here:
> http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/research/programmes/programme/journalism-studies.
> Applications that are submitted by Friday 2nd June will be considered for
> an ESRC studentship programme that addresses research challenges in areas
> such as digital infrastructure and the use of data.
> We particularly invite applicants who are interested in working with our
> new Data Justice Lab (https://datajusticelab.org/).
> Cardiff?s School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC) is one
> of the world?s leading departments in Media & Communications. In the 2014
> Research Excellence Framework the school was ranked 2nd in the UK for the
> quality of its journalism, media and communications research.
> Best,
> Arne
> ----------------
> Dr Arne Hintz
> Senior Lecturer | Director MA Digital Media and Society
> Co-Director Data Justice Lab
> School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies | Cardiff University
> Bute Building, King Edward VII Avenue | Cardiff CF10 3NB
> Email: HintzA at cardiff.ac.uk | Tel: +44 (0)29 208 76281 | Twitter: @arne_hz
> Fellow | Center for Media, Data and Society | Central European University
> -------------- next part --------------
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 01:38:36 +0500
> From: Nighat Dad <nighat at digitalrightsfoundation.pk>
> To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: [liberationtech] Quantitative study on Online VAW in Pakistan
> Message-ID:
>         <CAGaVKJCs+XuBVkXwRMztRjP2PZzJmuBhuVhb6=92yaC9z6j=
> kA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello all,
> Digital Rights Foundation organised the conference "Hamara Internet:
> Challenging the Evolving Threat of Online Violence" to mark the launch of
> the research study "Measuring Pakistani Women's Experiences of Online
> Violence" [Report: PDF
> <
> http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Hamara-Internet-Online-Harassment-Report.pdf
> >].
> The study fills the gap in existing data on online violence against women
> in Pakistan.
> The study compiles the data collected from 1400 women from across the
> country to map the different experiences of online violence against women,
> along with looking at how women use digital tools on the whole.
> The stats collected by these surveys - in addition to the calls that we
> receive on our Cyber Harassment Helpline [Helpline 4-month Report - PDF
> <
> http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/4-Month-Report.Final_.pdf
> >]
> - depict that Facebook is the worst medium in terms of online harassment.
> According to the data collected, 67% of the women use Facebook regularly,
> and
> 79% prefer WhatsApp as their means of communications. The data highlights
> that 50% of the respondents rate social media worse in online harassment,
> and 40% claimed that they have been stalked and harassed via messaging
> apps. Whereas, 70% of those surveyed are scared of posting pictures online
> because they could be misused.
> The data analysis explores the experiences of women online, and aims to
> initiate politicized and informed discussion about gender empowerment
> within the virtual space. This report will also be used as an advocacy tool
> for gendered digital rights.
> As I share this report with you, I want to mention that we're always
> learning and evolving in what we do at DRF. Hence, any suggestions and
> feedback will be appreciated.
> Media Coverage
> https://thewire.in/141298/pakistan-online-womenharassment/
> https://www.geo.tv/latest/143464-40-of-women-face-harassment-on-internet-says-pakistans-first-online-violence-study
> https://tribune.com.pk/story/1419377/women-join-hands-fight-cybercrime/
> --
> Best,
> Nighat Dad
> Executive Director
> Digital Rights Foundation
> PGP: 386F2A5F
> Fingerprint: 73C2 8F10 60D4 6553 0BFA D174 8AA1 226F 386F 2A5F
> Office Number: +92-42-35852180
> DRF: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/DigitalRightsFoundation/> |
> Twitter
> <https://twitter.com/nighatdad> | Website
> <http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk>
> Hamara Internet: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/HamaraInternet/> |
> Twitter <https://twitter.com/hamarainternet> | Website
> <http://www.hamarainternet.org/>
> Cyber Harassment Helpline: 0800-39393 <http://0800-39393/>
> Subscribe
> <
> http://digitalrightsfoundation.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=16b46259b46fb4782bc8cfd87&id=15b4b2a99f
> >
> to
> DRF Newsletter
> [image: Inline image 1]
> -------------- next part --------------
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 15:32:54 -0700
> From: "Bryan Sande" <bryan at reapergrafx.com>
> To: "'liberationtech'" <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Quantitative study on Online VAW in
>         Pakistan
> Message-ID:
> reapergrafx.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> PLEASE remove this email from all [liberationtech] email serveces, we
> never signed up for them, thank you
> From: liberationtech [mailto:liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu]
> On Behalf Of Nighat Dad
> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 1:39 PM
> To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: [liberationtech] Quantitative study on Online VAW in Pakistan
> Hello all,
> Digital Rights Foundation organised the conference "Hamara Internet:
> Challenging the Evolving Threat of Online Violence" to mark the launch of
> the research study "Measuring Pakistani Women's Experiences of Online
> Violence" [Report: PDF <
> http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Hamara-Internet-Online-Harassment-Report.pdf>
> ]. The study fills the gap in existing data on online violence against
> women in Pakistan.
> The study compiles the data collected from 1400 women from across the
> country to map the different experiences of online violence against women,
> along with looking at how women use digital tools on the whole.
> The stats collected by these surveys - in addition to the calls that we
> receive on our Cyber Harassment Helpline [Helpline <
> http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/4-Month-Report.Final_.pdf>
> 4-month Report - PDF] - depict that Facebook is the worst medium in terms
> of online harassment.
> According to the data collected, 67% of the women use Facebook regularly,
> and 79% prefer WhatsApp as their means of communications. The data
> highlights that 50% of the respondents rate social media worse in online
> harassment, and 40% claimed that they have been stalked and harassed via
> messaging apps. Whereas, 70% of those surveyed are scared of posting
> pictures online because they could be misused.
> The data analysis explores the experiences of women online, and aims to
> initiate politicized and informed discussion about gender empowerment
> within the virtual space. This report will also be used as an advocacy tool
> for gendered digital rights.
> As I share this report with you, I want to mention that we're always
> learning and evolving in what we do at DRF. Hence, any suggestions and
> feedback will be appreciated.
> Media Coverage
> https://thewire.in/141298/pakistan-online-womenharassment/
> https://www.geo.tv/latest/143464-40-of-women-face-harassment-on-internet-says-pakistans-first-online-violence-study
> https://tribune.com.pk/story/1419377/women-join-hands-fight-cybercrime/
> --
> Best,
> Nighat Dad
> Executive Director
> Digital Rights Foundation
> PGP: 386F2A5F
> Fingerprint: 73C2 8F10 60D4 6553 0BFA D174 8AA1 226F 386F 2A5F
> Office Number: +92-42-35852180
> DRF: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/DigitalRightsFoundation/>  |
> Twitter <https://twitter.com/nighatdad>  | Website <
> http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk>
> Hamara Internet:  <https://www.facebook.com/HamaraInternet/> Facebook |  <
> https://twitter.com/hamarainternet> Twitter |  <
> http://www.hamarainternet.org/> Website
> Cyber Harassment Helpline: <http://0800-39393/>  0800-39393
>  <
> http://digitalrightsfoundation.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=16b46259b46fb4782bc8cfd87&id=15b4b2a99f>
> Subscribe to DRF Newsletter
> -------------- next part --------------
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 12
> Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 14:44:23 -0500
> From: Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org>
> To: newswire <newswire at groups.dowire.org>, liberationtech
>         <liberationtech at mailman.stanford.edu>,
>         practitioners at ecampaigningforum.com
> Cc: communications at wellstone.org
> Subject: [liberationtech] Fwd: Organizer = Tech Person
> Message-ID:
>         <CAO9TZ0WT4wPGahnvxcZWSNN=
> JfNFJgZ8ujx9vffh57jm499tpQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> From: "Jane Booth-Tobin, Wellstone Action" <communications at wellstone.org>
> Date: May 31, 2017 11:32 AM
> Subject: Organizer = Tech Person
> [image: Wellstone Action]
> <
> https://engage.wellstone.org/page.redir?target=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wellstone.org%2f&srcid=18892&srctid=1&erid=10429174&trid=548167cd-6015-4bb3-a906-b86d245e1c91
> >
> Friend,
> We?re doing something new at Camp Wellstone this year, and the only chance
> left to experience it is in the Twin Cities this July.
> *Apply by June 6
> <
> https://engage.wellstone.org/page.redir?target=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wellstone.org%2fevents%2fcamp-wellstone-twin-cities-2017&srcid=18892&srctid=1&erid=10429174&trid=548167cd-6015-4bb3-a906-b86d245e1c91
> >
> to join us for Intro to Movement Technology at Camp Wellstone Minnesota
> from July 14-16.*
> You might be wondering, what does that mean?
> Have you ever been frustrated by a messy spreadsheet that means you can?t
> get in touch with your members? Have you admired an organization that seems
> to seamlessly connect with their community online on an emotional level?
> Are you worried about keeping your organization as safe as possible online
> under the new administration?
> At Intro to Movement Tech, you?ll have a chance to get basics in digital
> organizing, data, and security & surveillance. And even though it?s about
> tech, like all other Wellstone training we?ll be centered on a vision of
> powerful organizing for our communities. You won?t see Movement Tech
> training like it anywhere else.
> *Apply by June 6
> <
> https://engage.wellstone.org/page.redir?target=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wellstone.org%2fevents%2fcamp-wellstone-twin-cities-2017&srcid=18892&srctid=1&erid=10429174&trid=548167cd-6015-4bb3-a906-b86d245e1c91
> >
> to join us for Intro to Movement Tech in the Twin Cities.*
> As someone who cut her teeth doing digital organizing right here in
> Minnesota, I?m so excited to bring this to all of you. This is exactly the
> kind of training I would have wanted organizers, fundraisers, and our
> policy team to get so that we could partner together more powerfully. (Same
> thing goes for those of you who are Data Managers.)
> Hope to see you there,
> Jane
> Principal, Movement Technology
> *Wellstone Action*
> 2446 University Ave W Suite 170, Saint Paul, MN 55114 |  (651) 645-3939
> ? 2017 Wellstone Action
> Privacy Policy
> <
> https://engage.wellstone.org/page.aspx?pid=294&srctid=1&erid=10429174&trid=548167cd-6015-4bb3-a906-b86d245e1c91
> >
>   |  Email
> <
> https://engage.wellstone.org/page.aspx?pid=293&srctid=1&erid=10429174&trid=548167cd-6015-4bb3-a906-b86d245e1c91
> >
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 13
> Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 20:28:26 +0000
> From: InternetFreedom <InternetFreedom at state.gov>
> To: "'liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu'"
>         <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Subject: [liberationtech] DRL Internet Freedom Annual Program
>         Statement       Released
> Message-ID: <7df1259c2b9e405eaa4e7523ed20be17 at state.gov>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Dear all,
> The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) has released its
> Internet Freedom Annual Program Statement, requesting applications for
> programs that support Internet freedom. There are two deadlines to submit
> statement of interest applications to this solicitation - July 24, 2017 and
> February 12, 2018.
> The full solicitation is available at
> https://www.state.gov/j/drl/p/271495.htm.
> Best,
> DRL's Internet Freedom Team
> Official
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 14
> Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 16:15:48 -0500
> From: Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org>
> To: newswire <newswire at groups.dowire.org>, liberationtech
>         <liberationtech at mailman.stanford.edu>,
>         practitioners at ecampaigningforum.com
> Subject: [liberationtech] #DisInfoWeek Fwd: NDI EVENT: Computational
>         Propaganda Worldwide
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAO9TZ0VjCXS6oPkYQGRQ_0cApUgAeKwFu69QaeE+dM5F-BcNfw at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> See http://disinfoweek.org
> From: "National Democratic Institute" <mail at ndipublicaffairs.org>
> Date: Jun 1, 2017 2:52 PM
> Subject: NDI EVENT: Computational Propaganda Worldwide
> Join us in DC on Tuesday, June 20, 2017
> DisinfoWeek: Computational Propaganda Worldwide
> [image: NDI logo]
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24923&qid=1990944
> >
> [image: lead photo]
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24924&qid=1990944
> >
> About the Briefing
> Investigators from the Computational Propaganda Lab
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24925&qid=1990944
> >
> at the Oxford Internet Institute
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24926&qid=1990944
> >,
> University of Oxford, in partnership with the National Democratic Institute
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24927&qid=1990944
> >,
> will present the latest research about the manipulation of public opinion
> over social media. We invite members of the news media, policy makers,
> foundations, and civic groups to a closed meeting in Washington, DC. This
> briefing -- a Disinformation Week
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24928&qid=1990944
> >
> event -- will help ground a group conversation about the prospects for
> improving deliberative democracy and include a first look at the most
> recent research findings from a series of country specific case studies.
> The launch will include an executive summary by the lead investigators,
> comments by specific case study authors, and an open Q&A session with
> attendees, moderated by NDI. This case studies series focuses on the spread
> of computational propaganda in nine countries, including several with
> recent or upcoming elections: Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Poland,
> Russia, Taiwan, Ukraine, and the United States. Each case study involves an
> investigation of digital misinformation in domestic politics, with
> particular attention to the role of automated and algorithmic manipulation.
> We will present a summary of the findings from one or two country cases,
> and offer some conclusions on the impact of these trends on public life.
> Details
> When
> Tuesday, June 20, 2017
> 8:30 am - 10:00 am ET
> Where
> National Democratic Institute
> 455 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 800
> Washington, DC 20001
> Breakfast will be served, maximum of 60 invited guests
> RSVP Online
> RSVP to reserve your spot.
> RSVP for the Event
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24924&qid=1990944
> >
> about #disinfoweek
> #DisinfoWeek
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24929&qid=1990944
> >
> is a week-long set of strategic dialogues on how to collectively address
> the global challenge of disinformation. The week will feature events in
> Palo Alto, CA and Washington, DC from June 19-30, 2017, convening both US
> and European policymakers, tech companies, civil society, and members of
> think tanks, academia, and media to discuss strategies for collectively
> addressing the global challenge of digital disinformation. The discussion
> will be moderated by Disinfoweek's partners: The National Democratic
> Institute for International Affairs (NDI); the Atlantic Council; Stanford
> University Center on Democracy, Development and Rule of Law;
> Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung; the Oxford Internet Institute; First Draft
> Coalition; Jigsaw; and the Hewlett Foundation. Visit www.disinfoweek.org
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24929&qid=1990944
> >
> for more information.
>    - Who We Are
>    <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24930&qid=1990944
> >
>    - Where We Work
>    <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24931&qid=1990944
> >
>    - What We Do
>    <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24932&qid=1990944
> >
>    - Donate
>    <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24933&qid=1990944
> >
> National Democratic Institute
> 455 Massachussetts Avenue NW
> Washington, DC 20001
> View as webpage
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24924&qid=1990944
> >
> Washington, DC 20001
> United States
> ?
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> https://contribute.ndi.org/civicrm/mailing/optout?reset=1&jid=10452&qid=1990944&h=4b8a063a5c8d61da
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> of reminders about this topic
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> from our email list
> National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
> 455 Massachusetts Ave., NW, 8th Floor
> Washington, DC 20001
> United States
> Contact Us
> <
> https://contribute.ndi.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=24934&qid=1990944
> >
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 15
> Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2017 16:16:42 +0200
> From: Bernardo Guti?rrez <bernardobrasil at gmail.com>
> To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: [liberationtech] Collective inteligence for democracy in
>         Madrid  (open call)
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAFdnDigb-zrbczfpVKvesXXKaQyZ4_q2OGf4tSD77dPPjgrjOA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello you all
> It is a pleasure to announce the call for projects of  the international
> workshop Collective Intelligence for Democracy from November, from MediaLab
> - Prado Madrid.
> >From 3th to November 18th, we will have two weeks of collaborative work,
> of
> multidisciplinary teams around projects related to commons oriented
> democracy, citizen participation and the tools and methodologies that
> facilitate these processes.
> To this end the Medialab-Prado Collective Intelligence Laboratory for
> Democratic Participation invites people around all the world to Madrid, to
> think together and develop new hybrid -digital and face to face- mechanisms
> that address challenges relating to democratic participation: collaborative
> filtering, deliberation and discussion, decision-making, offline-online
> flow, crowdlaw, etc.
> This year we are creating a global alliance to recruit projects and
> collaborators. We have a global democratic crisis, we need a global
> action. These are the nodes: Red de Innovaci?n Pol?tica de Latinoam?rica
> (Latin America), Africtivistes (Africa), g0v.(Taiwan), Code for Germany
> (Germany), The Gov Lab (US) and King's College Center for Digital Culture
> (UK).
> More info: bit.ly/ICDemocracia17
> First tuit in English: https://twitter.com/medialabprado/status/8716747931
> 99894528
> Hashtag : #ICDemocracia17
> Facebook post with video : https://www.facebook.com/
> MedialabPradoMadrid/videos/vb.167398329956734/1639874686042417/?type=2&
> theater
> You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=7qAn3f0zMUc
> Best regards
> Bernardo
> --
> www.codigo-abierto.cc
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 16
> Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2017 18:56:42 -0600
> From: Bryce C Newell <bcnewell at uw.edu>
> To: SURVEILLANCE at jiscmail.ac.uk, Cyberprof
>         <cyberprof at lists.stanford.edu>, privacylawprofs at lists.capital.edu,
>         "tplmembers at uw.edu" <TPLmembers at uw.edu>,
>         liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: [liberationtech] Job: Postdoc in criminal law and privacy,
>         due 9 June 2017
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAP+dcqwPcRb2dp8a9Q2N2Gfx8WSK_grO3MVR_o9vYnHH1iWTpw at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dear Colleagues,
> My department -- the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society
> (TILT) -- at Tilburg Law School in the Netherlands has opened a search for
> a post-doctoral researcher in privacy and criminal law. The post would
> (ideally) start Sept. 1, 2017 and last for up to 5 years. The post-doc
> would initially join a multinational team of researchers on a large
> grant-funded comparative law project led by Prof. Bert-Jaap Koops. We are
> looking for someone with expertise in privacy, criminal law, criminal
> procedure, and/or cybercrime in UK and other common law jurisdictions
> (e.g., the USA and Canada). *Applications will be accepted through June 9,
> 2017.*
> Please forward this opening to any of your students or colleagues who may
> be interested.
> The posting, available here
> <
> https://career012.successfactors.eu/career?career_ns=job_listing&company=S003974031P&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&rcm_site_locale=en_US&career_job_req_id=9441&selected_lang=en_US&jobAlertController_jobAlertId=&jobAlertController_jobAlertName=&_s.crb=zdcnZHW1lRPe28EvPxSIJxk3MgU%3d
> >
> (and
> available on the university's job board
> <https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/about/organization/working-at/>) is
> also
> pasted below.
> ****************
> link:
> https://career012.successfactors.eu/career?career_ns=job_listing&company=S003974031P&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&rcm_site_locale=en_US&career_job_req_id=9441&selected_lang=en_US&jobAlertController_jobAlertId=&jobAlertController_jobAlertName=&_s.crb=zdcnZHW1lRPe28EvPxSIJxk3MgU%3d
> Post-doctorate position in criminal law, privacy at TILT: "Privacy in the
> 21st century: finding new boundary markers through comparative legal
> research".
> TILT is looking for a post-doctorate researcher with a background in law,
> specialized in criminal law and having affinity with cybercrime and
> privacy. The position is, for the first two years, part of the VICI project
> of prof. Bert-Jaap Koops, 'Privacy in the 21st century: finding a new
> paradigm to protect citizens in the age of ubiquitous data'.
> The project seeks to find ways to reinvent legal protection of privacy,
> which is currently based on a distinction between private and public
> places, which is outdated because people carry their private life around
> using mobile devices and cloud computing, and the default condition in
> public space is changing from being anonymous to being identifiable,
> through pervasive surveillance and tracking technologies. In view of these
> socio-technical trends, the law should find alternative concepts or
> distinctions to determine what comes closest to people's personal life in
> our technology-pervaded society:  a metaphorical 'home 2.0'.
> The project addresses these questions through integrating comparative law
> and Science and Technology Studies. The postdoc will be responsible for
> comparative legal analysis of common-law jurisdictions, primarily the
> United Kingdom, and secondarily Canada and the United States. The research
> will focus on how new privacy concepts, such as ?home 2.0?, fit in the
> legal system and whether they can be used to address topical legal
> challenges, such as cloud investigations, smartphone searches incident to
> arrest, and police hacking. The postdoc will closely collaborate with prof.
> Koops and a PhD student who research the same for civil-law jurisdictions.
> Besides the project, the postdoc will supervise Master theses and possibly
> conduct other minor teaching tasks, as well as actively participating in
> everyday TILT activities. Collaboration may also be requested in other,
> shorter-term projects related to privacy or cybersecurity.
> After two years, the postdoc will work on other (possibly self-initiated)
> projects on related topics, within TILT?s research cluster in cybercrime
> and cyber-investigations.
> *Job requirements and qualifications*
> You have completed a PhD in criminal law, or in a closely related field (a
> Juris Doctor (J.D.) is also acceptable). You have experience in researching
> UK law and other common-law jurisdictions. You have demonstrable interest
> in developments in cybercrime, cybersecurity, and privacy, and you aim to
> develop yourself further in this field. You have an academic mind-set, good
> analytic skills, strong research, writing and collaborative skills, and an
> excellent command of written and spoken English. You like to work
> independently but also to collaborate closely within a small team. Teaching
> experience and experience in grant applications are considered an
> advantage.
> *Terms of employment*
> We offer a challenging job in an inspiring and friendly environment. The
> envisaged starting date is 1 September 2017 on a fulltime basis (both
> conditions negotiable). The position is for a fixed-term contract for 5
> years as post doc researcher (UFO profile: researcher 3). Tilburg
> University is among the top of the Dutch employers and has an excellent
> policy concerning terms of employment. Depending on the candidates?
> experience, the starting gross salary will vary between ? 3.427,- and ?
> 4.691,- per month (for a full-time appointment) based on scale 11 of the
> Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) Dutch Universities. Researchers from
> outside the Netherlands may qualify for a tax-free allowance equal to 30%
> of their taxable salary. The university will apply for such an allowance on
> their behalf.
> In case of 1fte employment (5-days work week), you will devote 80% of your
> time (0,8 fte) to the VICI activities, and 20% to other responsibilities,
> such as teaching, master thesis supervision and other tasks. In case of 0,8
> fte employment (4-days work week), you will devote 100% of your time to the
> VICI activities for the duration of the project.
> *Applications and information concerning the vacancies*
> The project will be conducted at Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and
> Society (TILT) within Tilburg Law School.
> TILT is a top player in the field of the regulation and normative
> implications of technology. We conduct research into the legal and social
> implications of ICT as well as health-related technologies and robotics. A
> key feature of the institute?s research program is the interaction between
> legal, technological, and social perspectives. TILT is consistently ranked
> a top institute for research
> <
> https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/research/institutes-and-research-groups/tilt/research/
> >
>  and education
> <
> https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/research/institutes-and-research-groups/tilt/education/
> >
> by
> national and international Legal Research and Education Assessment
> Committees.
> TILT is a multidisciplinary research institute with over 40 international
> research staff, combining law, philosophy, social sciences, public
> administration and management sciences. This enables us to look at research
> topics from multiple perspectives and deliver valuable contributions to the
> existing knowledge in the field of law, technology, and society. TILT?s
> collaborative and open environment stimulates social and intellectual
> interaction.
> Please consult the web for additional information about Tilburg University
> <https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/>, Tilburg Law School
> <https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/nl/over/schools/law/> and the Institute
> for Law Technology and Society (TILT) Specific information about the
> vacancy can be obtained from prof. Bert-Jaap Koops (via f.abousalama@
> tilburguniversity.edu, reference ?VICI vacancy?).
> The application must include:
>    - a curriculum vitae;
>    - a motivation letter;
>    - a list of publications and a copy of two (possibly forthcoming)
>    publications and the PhD thesis;
>    - teaching evaluations (if available)
>    - the names and addresses

Ian B. Anderson
ian.beny.anderson at gmail.com
(613) 854-3202
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