[liberationtech] Collective inteligence for democracy in Madrid (open call)

Bernardo Gutiérrez bernardobrasil at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 07:16:42 PDT 2017

Hello you all

It is a pleasure to announce the call for projects of  the international
workshop Collective Intelligence for Democracy from November, from MediaLab
- Prado Madrid.

>From 3th to November 18th, we will have two weeks of collaborative work, of
multidisciplinary teams around projects related to commons oriented
democracy, citizen participation and the tools and methodologies that
facilitate these processes.

To this end the Medialab-Prado Collective Intelligence Laboratory for
Democratic Participation invites people around all the world to Madrid, to
think together and develop new hybrid -digital and face to face- mechanisms
that address challenges relating to democratic participation: collaborative
filtering, deliberation and discussion, decision-making, offline-online
flow, crowdlaw, etc.

This year we are creating a global alliance to recruit projects and
collaborators. We have a global democratic crisis, we need a global
action. These are the nodes: Red de Innovación Política de Latinoamérica
(Latin America), Africtivistes (Africa), g0v.(Taiwan), Code for Germany
(Germany), The Gov Lab (US) and King's College Center for Digital Culture

More info: bit.ly/ICDemocracia17

First tuit in English: https://twitter.com/medialabprado/status/8716747931

Hashtag : #ICDemocracia17

Facebook post with video : https://www.facebook.com/

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=7qAn3f0zMUc

Best regards

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