[liberationtech] Fwd: Re: [hackerspaces] Invitation (was Fwd: Re: Black Highlighter + Important PS)

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 23:26:34 PDT 2017

Hi, dear all.  Hope everybody is doing good!  :)

I am forwarding some messages for your knowledge.  I sincerely thank you
all in advance for suggestions and collaborations.

Please, you all are completely free to make questions about the idea
of making some kind of connection among different people, different
projects, different backgrounds and experiences about tech and society.

Tender kisses and cozy hugs!  Good night and sweet dreams, dear all.  I
need my beauty sleep urgently, zzz...  (- _ -) zzzz

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Yosem Companys" <ycompanys at gmail.com>
Date: Jul 12, 2017 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: [hackerspaces] Invitation (was Fwd: Re: Black Highlighter +
Important PS)
To: "Hackerspaces General Discussion List" <discuss at lists.hackerspaces.org>

Hi All,

I'm glad to see that Cecilia shared her request for projects with the
Hackerspaces list.

I'm one of the people involved with Liberationtech. I helped lead
Liberationtech from 2006 until recently, so I'm in a good position to
answer the question posed to Cecilia.

Liberationtech subscribers typically write about any topic at the
intersection of tech and public goods, including but not limited to any of
the following:

   - Censorship, repression, and freedom (e.g., Freedom of Expression -
   FoE, Free Speech, NetFreedom, Right to Information - RTI)
   - Democracy, politics, elections, and voting (e.g., Netroots, Tea Party)
   - Activism, protest, and movements (e.g., Occupy, Anonymous, Hacktivism)
   - Human rights
   - Security (e.g., cybersecurity)
   - Privacy
   - Development (e.g., Information and Communication Technologies for
   Development - ICT4D, Tech for Development - Tech4Dev, Global Development -
   - Education (e.g., Information and Communication Technologies for
   Education - ICT4E)
   - Governance and accountability (e.g., eGovernance - eGov, Open
   Governance - OpenGov, Governance 2.0 - gov20)
   - Health (e.g., eHealth, mHealth)
   - Drones
   - Environment
   - Entrepreneurship (e.g., Social Entrepreneurship - socent)
   - Social science (e.g., impact of technology on society)
   - Policy / law (e.g., tech law, copyright law)

That said, we're very open minded. If there are other topics that you feel
should be included in Liberationtech, please let us know. We're pretty much
driven by the interest of our subscribers. So if you're passionate about a
given subject excluded above, please join us and tell us about it!


On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 4:41 PM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com>

> On Jul 11, 2017 6:03 PM, "Eleftherios Kosmas" <elkosmas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Would it be useful to define what kind of projects would be of interest
> for the liberation tech discussion list?
> Many people participating in this list are doing awesome stuff, libre
> hardware & software but I'm not sure if all would be of interest to this
> group or lib-tech discuss.
> My dear, sorry, I will give you a better answer a bit later, because I
> still need to define some directives with the LibTech team.
> Personally, I love ALL projects about tech and people  (and I love fun
> LEDs, wheee!!),  but I think the group prefers to focus on technology,
> politics and society, in special giving more visibility to projects about
> surveillance, privacy, transparency and freedom of expression and press
> against wrong and/or vile acts of governments and companies.  Obviously,
> these subjects are only a little example of all the interesting
> possibilities.  :)))
> Please, feel completely free to ask what you want or contact me in
> private.  Certainly, I am saying it to the whole list, not only to
> Eleftherios.  All of you can contact me.  I can answer with some retard,
> but earlier or later, I will answer.  ;)
> Thank you very much for your interest, Eleftherios.  Being sincere, I
> would * S2 LOVE S2 * with my whole heart if all the hackerspaces try to
> share here new interesting projects.  There are very great hackers in the
> whole world and it's amazing, really awesome!!!  :D
> Kisses, kisses, kisses...  <3
> Cecilia, dreaming about giant robots...  Japanese blood, I can't resist to
> mechas...  :P
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