[liberationtech] Holistic Security for Activists -Trainers Manual

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jan 31 08:17:49 PST 2017

From: Andrea Figari <andrea at tacticaltech.org>

Dear ECF Friends,

Following the launch of the Holistic Security Guide in 2016,
Tactical Tech is excited to announce the release of the Holistic
Security Trainers' Manual, to assist those who would like to train on
this topic during their work with activists.

Following the many discussions in the list on digital security, well
being and burn-out among activists, these resources could be of interest
to those seeking to take a deeper dive in the topic.

We had a good discussion around this last year at ECF EUrope in Berlin,
and this new resource complements the Guide.

You can download the Manual for free here>

The Trainers' Manual is a companion to "Holistic Security: a Strategy
Manual for Human Rights Defenders", and shares learnings and best
practices which emerged during its development from a facilitator's

The aim of the manual is to help trainers and facilitators develop
their own skills in a holistic manner and introduce the central themes
of the HRD Manual in their trainings.

The Trainers' Manual is structured in three parts. It provides security
trainers and facilitators with:

- -key best practices for approaching security trainings from a holistic

- -stand-alone workshop session plans which can be used independently or
to bring a holistic perspective to an existing workshop agenda

- -a complete holistic security curriculum, structured as 11 sequential
sessions which are designed to build upon each other over the course of
a 4+ day training.

The Trainers' Manual was written by a team of experienced security
trainers and facilitators from the fields of digital security, physical
security and psycho-social well-being. Tactical Tech would like to thank
them, and the community of trainers, practitioners and HRDs whose
extensive experience and expertise have made this manual possible.

Please do share the manual with your networks!

We're keen to hear your feedback - if you have thoughts or reflections
to share, please let us know by submitting an anonymous feedback form
via the website:

Best Wishes,


Holistic Security: A Strategy Manual for Human Rights Defenders is now
available as a printed book. If you would like to order some copies for
yourself or your organisation, please contact
holisticsecurity at tacticaltech.org, or use the weblink here:

Andrea Figari

Director for Community Engagement
Tactical Technology Collective
Brunnenstraße 9, 10119 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49(30) 26549025 (direct)
Tel: +49(30) 41715333 (office)

Email: andrea at tacticaltech.org |
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