[liberationtech] [activists] Stanford as a Sanctuary Campus?
Emma Hartung
ehartung at stanford.edu
Mon Jan 30 16:18:49 PST 2017
Edit: Stanford has not declared itself a sanctuary campus or met all of
Sanctuary Now's demands, but has released a more detailed statement:
2017-01-30 12:21 GMT-08:00 Emma Hartung <ehartung at stanford.edu>:
> Stanford has issued a vague statement about their support for DACA and
> immigrant students, but hasn't declared itself a sanctuary campus or
> responded to Stanford Sanctuary Now's demands
> <https://www.stanfordsanctuarynow.org/>. You can get involved at an open
> meeting Tuesday (tomorrow) 7pm!
> --
> [please forward widely]
> With the recent executive orders and the last dozen years of xenophobia
> and deportations, it is vital that we stand up to create a pro-immigrant,
> pro-Muslim, anti-racist university. Friday, the 20th of January, several
> hundred students
> <http://www.mercurynews.com/2017/01/20/palo-alto-residents-protest-trump-inauguration-here-and-afar/>
> presented a list of demands, crafted by Stanford Sanctuary Now, outside
> the Office of the President. This resulted in an upcoming meeting with
> Stanford administration, and we want your help.
> Stanford Sanctuary Now will have an open meeting Tuesday, January 31st
> from 7-8:30 in the Havana Room of the Graduate Community Center (750
> Escondido Rd). We will describe our progress, outline our proposals, and
> break out into small groups to brainstorm actions for Stanford to support
> those at risk. All are welcome. If you are new to our organization, this is
> a good opportunity to get involved. RSVP for the Facebook event
> <https://www.facebook.com/events/606084249584003/> and share with others.
> We know it is a difficult time and, for many of us, it has been a
> difficult time for far too long. Join us as we continue to work for a
> better Stanford.
> All the Best,
> Stanford Sanctuary Now
> 2017-01-30 12:14 GMT-08:00 Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>:
>> Does anyone know what Stanford's status is?
>> Yosem
>> From: Paula Chakravartty <puc1 at nyu.edu>
>> As many of you have heard there is increasing pressure to convince the
>> administration to declare NYU a Sanctuary Campus especially given the
>> horrifying events over the weekend and beyond that has already
>> directly affected NYU students, staff and faculty.
>> Here is a link to a letter in support of Sanctuary Status signed by a
>> wide range or centers and campus-based groups and organizations:
>> https://medium.com/@nyusanctuary/dear-president-hamilton-
>> 8f2a82879b98#.br5acsczn
>> We have established a student-faculty Sanctuary Working Group that has
>> put together a handout explaining why Sanctuary status is important
>> both symbolically and in practice (i.e. not just a difference over
>> terminology).
>> https://medium.com/@nyusanctuary/establishing-a-sanctuary-
>> campus-at-nyu-an-explainer-3182592f9a68#.sgztfdyux
>> It would be great if there was efforts within MCC and across
>> Steinhardt to take leadership on supporting this call. Several
>> colleagues, graduate and undergraduate students and staff in MCC are
>> involved in these efforts.
>> Thank you and all best,
>> Paula Chakravartty
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> --
> Emma Hartung
> Stanford University | 2017
> 646.648.1181 | ehartung at stanford.edu
Emma Hartung
Stanford University | 2017
646.648.1181 | ehartung at stanford.edu
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