[liberationtech] Stanford as a Sanctuary Campus?

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Jan 30 12:14:03 PST 2017

Does anyone know what Stanford's status is?


From: Paula Chakravartty <puc1 at nyu.edu>

As many of you have heard there is increasing pressure to convince the
administration to declare NYU a Sanctuary Campus especially given the
horrifying events over the weekend and beyond that has already
directly affected NYU students, staff and faculty.

Here is a link to a letter in support of Sanctuary Status signed by a
wide range or centers and campus-based groups and organizations:

We have established a student-faculty Sanctuary Working Group that has
put together a handout explaining why Sanctuary status is important
both symbolically and in practice (i.e. not just a difference over


It would be great if there was efforts within MCC and across
Steinhardt to take leadership on supporting this call. Several
colleagues, graduate and undergraduate students and staff in MCC are
involved in these efforts.

Thank you and all best,
Paula Chakravartty

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