[liberationtech] Price of the #MuslimBan

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Jan 29 20:13:29 PST 2017

>From http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/docs/about_libtech:

The Program on Liberation Technology at Stanford's Center on Democracy,
Development, and the Rule of Law seeks to understand how information
technology can be used to *improve governance*, *empower the poor*, *defend
human rights*, promote economic development, and pursue a variety of other
social goods.

The past few years have seen explosive growth in the use of information
technology to defend human rights, improve governance, fight corruption,
deter electoral fraud, *expose government wrongdoing*, *empower the poor*,
promote economic development, *protect the environment*, educate
consumers, *improve
public health*, and pursue a variety of other social goods.

I did not write the aforementioned text. But...

   - I consider refugees as poor people who need empowerment and need help
   defending their human rights.
   - I consider fighting against human-caused climate change protecting the
   - I consider getting rid of Obamacare as inimical with improving public
   - I consider revealing fake news and politicized science by the
   government as exposing government wrongdoing.
   - I consider firing civil servants because they don't agree with your
   views as not improving governance.

And keep in mind that I am an Independent. I am neither a Democrat nor a

For those of you who have followed us for years on this mailing list and
Twitter, you know that we try to be non-partisan, as some of our
researchers are Democrat, others are Republicans, others are Anarchists,
others are Socialists, and so on. We try to tweet various perspectives so
long as they do not violate our principles.

Our number one principle is the use of technology to promote freedom,
democracy, development, and the rule of law. Any group that uses technology
to curtail the rights of some groups at the expense of others is violating
this principle.


On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 7:48 PM, Wayne Moore <wmoore at stanford.edu> wrote:

> Such as? None that I caught. I would have thought "liberation" itself was
> a strong political view anyway.
> On 1/29/2017 13:59, Carolyn Santo wrote:
>> There are numerous factual errors in Leila's email.
> --
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