[liberationtech] Price of the #MuslimBan
Carolyn Santo
cysanto2 at hawaii.rr.com
Sun Jan 29 13:59:40 PST 2017
please don't pollute this list with political discussion.
There are numerous factual errors in Leila's email. She has a strong
political view that would be more appropriate promoting in a different
I don't think this list should become a platform to solicit donations
for the ACLU or NY Times.
Carolyn Santo
On 1/29/2017 8:03 AM, Yosem Companys wrote:
> From: Leila Janah <leila at lxmi.com>
> Hi there,
> I've tried to avoid commenting too much on Trump's election to avoid
> demonizing Republicans and people in my network who support him.
> But at a certain point, policy transcends politics. No one can avoid
> speaking out against Trump now that he's made our country hostile to
> immigrants, refugees, and people of diverse faiths.
> President Trump's ill-conceived ban on refugees and immigrants from
> several majority-Muslim countries attacks the rights of legal US
> residents and heightens, rather than reduces, the risk of radical
> Islamic terrorism.
> The immigration ban pits America against our allies and lowers our
> standing in the world, making our companies less competitive (Google
> cofounder Sergey Brin went to SFO to stand with protestors) and
> destroying our reputation as a progressive business leader attracting
> the world's top talent.
> Halting the US refugee program puts tens of thousands of lives in
> needless peril. As it is, we admit far fewer refugees than much
> smaller countries, like Germany, Turkey, Lebanon, and Kenya.
> Refugees are not free-loaders seeking to cause trouble. Refugees are
> Holocaust and genocide survivors, victims of extreme religious and
> political persecution, and families broken by violence.
> We are a nation whose strength comes from our compassion and
> diversity, whose core philosophy welcomes the many waves of immigrants
> who have always made our country great.
> We are not Trump. We are not hate, bigotry, and persecution. It is our
> collective obligation to do whatever we can to ensure that religious
> diversity and our (relatively tiny) refugee program aren't sacrificed
> for the political purposes of an increasingly erratic leader.
> Hours after the #MuslimBan, a mosque was set on fire in Texas and
> thousands of people had flooded into US airports to protest the
> immigration ban. Is this "making America great again?"
> If you're as appalled as I am, take action now in two ways:
> 1. Donate to the ACLU (www.aclu.org) which funds legal campaigns to
> protect the fundamental rights Trump threatens. If you can't donate,
> follow the ACLU and share their content across your social networks.
> Entrepreneurs Tony Fadell and Chris Sacca have pledged to match
> donations up to $100K if you tweet them your receipts.
> 2. Subscribe to the New York Times and uphold solid reporting of these
> issues. President Trump has repeatedly bullied journalists and
> attacked the Times. Truth matters.
> We are all complicit in this if we don't take a stand. Let's fight for
> the America we believe in.
> Leila
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