[liberationtech] URGENT: Actionable Items for SFO + Muslim Ban

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Jan 28 21:06:43 PST 2017

From: Elijah Moreau <gmoreau at stanford.edu>

Passing on this message:

"Take action from wherever you are, here is a message from AROC: We are
asking people throughout the SF Bay Area to contact the following offices
and public officials to demand non-compliance with the executive order.
Please call:
To SFO Airport Director, Ivar Satero: (650) 821-8211
To SFO US Customs and Border Patrol Office: (650) 837-2876
To SF Board of Supervisors: (415) 554-5184
Please make these points:
We urge you to refuse compliance with the ban on refugees in a stand
against racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia.
We urge you to refuse compliance with Trump's executive order banning
immigrants from 7 Muslim-majority countries.
We, in the San Francisco Bay Area will fight to remain a sanctuary city and
will not allow people to be racially profiled based on national origin. We
have no tolerance for racism, xenophobia or Islamophobia.
We know that these families, like many people, are fleeing for their lives
in large part because of US policy and military action in their countries
of origin. Turning them away, could mean a death sentence.
Thank you for taking this action against racism and for justice.
In struggle,
AROC: Arab Resource & Organizing Center



Elijah Moreau | Stanford University '17
Candidate | B.A. in African and African
American Studies | B.A. in Feminist, Gender,
and Sexuality Studies
Student Staff | Stanford Diversity and First-Gen Office
Outreach and Awareness Chair|Black and Queer at Stanford
gmoreau at stanford.edu
626 226 9352

*"The master however cannot steal your love, your anger, or your
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