[liberationtech] Call for Participants in Dissertation Survey on M-Health Best Practices

Alehegn, Tseday ta2137 at tc.columbia.edu
Fri Jan 27 08:26:48 PST 2017

Hi All,

As part of my dissertation research at Columbia University, Teachers
College I am conducting a survey on mobile health technologies (such as
cell phones, tablets, PDAs and wearable tech) that are being used for
chronic disease management, disease prevention, or health promotion. The
survey is confidential and completely anonymous, and respondents will have
a chance to win either a $300, $200, or $100 amazon gift card.

It is my hope that this research will contribute to identifying best
practices in the field of mobile health while generating recommendations
that may increase levels of accessibility and inform improvements in the
design of mhealth technologies, as well as improve customer satisfaction.

Please see more detailed information below, and feel free to share widely
with friends and colleagues in the healthcare, health education, and public
health fields.

Thank you!
Tseday Alehegn


*For a chance to win a prize ($$$), please take the*


> The Research Group on Disparities in Health (RGDH) within the Department
> of Health and Behavior Studies at Teachers College, Columbia University, in
> New York, New York is conducting a study to learn more about mobile
> health (m-health) best practices for chronic disease management, disease
> prevention and health promotion.
> •   Participation in this online survey is limited to the first 200
> individuals
> •   Participation in the study takes about 25-30 minutes
> •   After 200 people complete the survey, all those who took the survey
> more than once will be eliminated from study participation. Then, the
> Webmaster will run a program to randomly select 3 e-mail accounts without
> in any way linking your identity to the survey results. The 3 e-mail
> accounts will be the winners of either a $300, $200 or $100 bar-coded gift
> certificate for use on www.amazon.com
> •   *Please use the link below to review the informed consent form, learn
> about your rights as a participant, and continue on to take the survey.*
> •   *We also invite you to e-mail, text, and tweet other students you
> know:*

>  *Go to **https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M-Health_Technology_Survey
> <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M-Health_Technology_Survey>* *to take the
> m-health technology survey for chance to win either $300, $200 or $100
> prize.*
> NOTE: Participants have a 3 in 200 chance of winning either a $300, $200
> or $100 bar-coded gift certificate for use on www.Amazon.com
> <http://www.amazon.com/>.
> *Tseday Alehegn MA, MS, *Doctoral Candidate, Department of Health and
> Behavior Studies, Pre-Doctoral Student, Research Group on Disparities in
> Health, Teachers College, Columbia University, Box 114, 525 W. 120th Street,
> New York, NY 10027; ta2137 at tc.columbia.edu

> *BARBARA C. WALLACE, Ph.D.,* Director, Research Group on Disparities in
> Health, Professor of Health Education, Clinical Psychologist, Department of
> Health and Behavior Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University, Box
> 114, 525 W. 120th Street, New York, NY 10027; Bcw3 at columbia.edu; *Study
> Contact Number:  267-269-7411*
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