[liberationtech] Boston event: How nonprofits can use Facebook to broadcast their impact??? (Feb 27th)

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Wed Jan 25 08:12:51 PST 2017

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017, at 10:39 AM, Rich Kulawiec wrote: 
> Here's what Facebook Live did this week:
> 	Facebook Live 'broadcasts gang rape' of woman in Sweden
> 	http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38717186
> Read the whole article, all the way to the end.  

I did, and saw this "Facebook Live also caught the aftermath of an
incident in which a police officer shot and killed a man in St Paul,
Minnesota in July 2016."

and then read this "Officer Who Shot Philando Castile Is Charged With

The likelihood that would have happened without the pressure that
happened due to Facebook Live is quite low.

> Now explain to me why you think it's a good idea to do anything
> other than firewall their network ranges permanently.

If good people don't actively work to find empowering uses of
indifferent technology, then only the a-holes will have all the shiny

Also live video streaming from personal mobile phones over the Internet
is not going anywhere, whether on Facebook or not. I suppose you could
just block all UDP packets on known streaming protocol ports, and do DPI
for HLS over HTTP, but that would start to get out of control a bit,
don't you think?


  Nathan of Guardian
  nathan at guardianproject.info

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