[liberationtech] Security Without Borders

Cristina [efecto99] efecto99 at riseup.net
Sat Jan 21 19:35:42 PST 2017

On 21/01/17 20:51, Yosem Companys wrote:
> Awesome. Critical and needed initiative. A thank you goes out to
> Claudio Guarnieri, Collin Anderson, and their colleagues for putting
> this together. I certainly could have benefited from a project like
> this during the Arab Spring in my advice to pro-democracy activists.
> Claudio and Collin, if you need any help getting this project off the
> ground, please let us know. We'd be happy to put whatever resources we
> can assemble at Stanford University to help you.

[You are welcome, Cecilia.]

Yosem: I think they will be very happy to read you if you tell them the
same to their official channel. I asked them about the chat the
announced on twitter (on twitter) and I didn't receive an answer yet
because they seem very busy.
Is just my suggestion, but I really believe they will appreciate your
offer if you go right there on the communication place they use.

Sincerely yours,

Cristina (99)
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