[liberationtech] Frankfurt School Critical Theory - Donald Trump, authoritarian capitalism/populism & Twitter

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Fri Jan 20 06:44:03 PST 2017

Read how Donald Trump is prototypical for a new form of authoritarian 
capitalism. What is authoritarian capitalism? How does Trump practice 
authoritarian capitalism? These questions are discussed in C. Fuchs' new 
study "Donald Trump: A Critical Theory-Perspective on Authoritarian 
Capitalism" that uses critical theory for the analysis of Trump:


What does Trump's Twitter use tell us about how politics works in 
authoritarian capitalism? The following piece analyses how Twitter's 
me-centredness is the ideal tool for Trump's narcissistic and 
authoritarian politics:


Critical theory is urgently needed today...

The journal tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique will 
throughout 2017 operate the special section "Critical Theory 
Interventions on Authoritarianism and Right-Wing Extremist Ideology in 
Contemporary Capitalism" and invites submission of interventionist 
contributions to this section - Submission details:


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